Section 10
Exercise Material

10.1 Fundamentals
10.2 Blank Lines
10.3 Directions
10.4 Exercise Questions
10.5 Write-on-Lines Before or After Questions
10.6 Write-on-Lines Within Sentences
10.7 Displayed Text in Exercise Material
10.8 Exercise Examples, Sample Questions with Answers
10.9 Matching
10.10 True-False Exercises
10.11 Formats for Pictures in Exercise Material
10.12 Samples

10.1       Fundamentals

10.1.1     An exercise set may include headings, directions, examples, questions, and answer choices. Each exercise set is formatted individually.

10.1.2     This section contains general provisions for transcribing exercise material found in textbooks, workbooks, handbooks, etc. There is a wide variety of print formats and it is not possible to discuss all of them. The transcriber needs to determine the best format for each situation.

10.1.3     Omit information repeated on each page, e.g., name, date, publisher and/or copyright information. Exception: Name and Date may be retained in expendable material. Directives for use by the teacher or parent, etc., are omitted unless their inclusion is required by the requesting agency.

10.1.4     Notify the requesting agency when content is unsuitable for braille production, e.g., a workbook that is primarily illustrations.

10.1.5     General Format

a.  Follow print for sequence, punctuation, and capitalization of all arabic numerals, roman numerals, and letters in exercise material.

b.  Do not change the wording for directions or exercise material.

10.1.6     When possible, keep all answer choices on the same braille page as the question(s) they accompany.

a.  Question and answer choices should appear on a single page whenever space permits, regardless of the amount of blank space resulting on a page.

b.  When question and answer choices are too long to fit on a single page, all answer choices should appear together on one page whenever space permits.

c.  When answer choices are too long to fit on a single page, do not split an answer choice between pages.

d.  When questions and answers are divided in interpoint production, each agency decides if questions and answer choices are shown on facing pages or not.

e.  Exercise material in higher grades may have answer choices requiring additional pages. It is necessary to determine the best location for each page break if an answer choice is longer than a single page.

10.1.7     Special Symbols and Transcriber's Notes

Special Symbols

Transcriber's Notes

10.1.8     A Braille Reader's Perspective

It is important to keep the format consistent throughout the exercise material. The reader uses the format as a guide to understanding the layout of the exercises being presented.

10.2       Blank Lines

10.2.1     An exercise set typically begins with a heading or a new set of directions.

10.2.2     Each exercise set, with accompanying directions, is preceded and followed by a blank line. Directions may begin on line 1 if no running head is used. Directions begin on line 3 when a running head is used.

10.2.3     A blank line is inserted between a page change indicator and directions/exercise material.

Example 10-1: Blank Line After Page Change Indicator

Directions at the top of a print page

#ei4 ,": 7d1 does7 ! box ( /aples 2l;g8
⠀⠀⠀⠀,li/ ea* ^w us$ z an adjective or an
⠀⠀⠀⠀adv]b4 ,!n write ! ^w or ^ws t x
⠀⠀⠀⠀modifies4 ,d n 9clude >ticles4
#fj4 ,mrs4 ,*an j sp5t two 9t]e/+ weeks
⠀⠀9 ,k5ya4

10.2.4     There is no blank line between directions and exercise material unless it is required by other formats, e.g., displayed word lists/options on a single line or in columns, examples/models, paragraphs, etc.

10.3       Directions

10.3.1     Directions are followed by specific question/answer types of activities in the book, e.g., matching, multiple choice, true/false, etc. It is preferable for an entire exercise set (directions and corresponding activities) to be on a single page. When that's not realistic, the following order of preference is observed:

a.  When activities fit on one braille page, directions are on one page and activities are on the following page. If using interpoint, directions and activities are on facing pages.

b.  When activities do not fit on one page, the directions are to be followed by the activities immediately, on the same page, with at least one complete question shown before a page break.

c.  It is preferable to have a question and its answer choices on the same page.

(1)  If that is not possible, all answer choices for a given question must be together on the same page.

(2)  If that is not possible, do not divide a single answer choice between pages unless it is longer than a single braille page.

10.3.2     Unnumbered or unlettered directions are in 5-5. Additional paragraphs are in 7-5.

Example 10-2: Directions with Three Paragraphs

Three paragraphs of directions, followed by numbered sentences


⠀⠀⠀⠀,write ea* s5t;e4
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀,draw "o l9e "u ! adjective4
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀,draw two l9es "u ! n\n x
#a4 ,! *alkbo>d is gre54
#b4 ,"s"ts ! eras]s >e du/y4
#c4 ,\r *alk is new4


10.3.3     Numbered or lettered directions are in 1-5. Additional paragraphs are in 7-5.

Example 10-3: Lettered Directions with Two Paragraphs

Lettered directions with two paragraphs, followed by numbered sentences


,a4 ,use ea* (! foll[+ ^ws 9 a -plete
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀,use adjectives 6describe :at ea*
⠀⠀⠀⠀dwell+ looks l4
⠀⠀#a4 h\se
⠀⠀#b4 f>m

10.3.4     Assignments or Activities. Follow print format for instructions without specific question/answer activities. Paragraphs may be indented (3-1) or blocked (1-1).

Example 10-4: Paragraph Instructions

Paragraph of general instructions

⠀⠀,on ! way home1 c.t ! numb] ( di6]5t
types ( trees y see4

10.4       Exercise Questions

10.4.1     An exercise set without any subentries is in 1-3.

Example 10-5: Main Entries Only

Directions followed by numbered exercise sentences


⠀⠀⠀⠀,write ! v]bs 9 ea* s5t;e 2l4
#a ,he ran a v fa/ race1 b did n d well
#b ,mom cook$ d9n] = my frs4

10.4.2     Exercise Questions with Answer Choices

a.  An exercise set with subentries is treated as a nested list. A nested list, a list within a list, has main entries and at least one level of subentries.

b.  The main entry begins in cell 1. Each subentry level begins two cells to the right of the previous level. All runovers begin two cells to the right of the farthest indented subentry.

Two levels: 1-5, 3-5

Three levels: 1-7, 3-7, 5-7

Four levels: 1-9, 3-9, 5-9, 7-9


Example 10-6: Question and Answer Choices

Numbered question with lettered answer choices

#a4 ,: o3urs dur+ ! lytic cycle (a viral
⠀⠀,a4 ,! ho/ cell 2comes a factory t
⠀⠀⠀⠀3t9u,y makes m copies (! virus4
⠀⠀,b4 ,! ho/ cell "ugoes cell divi.n '''

10.4.3     Each new exercise set determines the indention pattern for the associated material. Note: A review section may continue the question numbers from one exercise set to the next, throughout the entire section. In some situations the transcriber may choose to be consistent for the entire review section and format all questions/answers as a nested list if any of the questions have subentries.

Example 10-7: Nested List Used for Exercise Set

Numbered items; 1 has no subentries, and 2 has lettered answer choices


#a4 ,h[ does ,e>?'s tilt on xs axis
⠀⠀⠀⠀cause s1sons 6*ange 9 di6]5t "ps (!
#b4 ,dur+ a sol/ice
⠀⠀a4 "o ( ,e>?'s poles is tilt$ t[>d !
⠀⠀b4 nei pole is tilt$ t[>d ! ,sun
⠀⠀c4 spr+ 2g9s 9 ! ,nor!rn ,hemisph]e

10.4.4     All answer choices are listed vertically and begin in the same cell.

a.  Preserve print alphabetic or numeric order, whether horizontal or vertical.

Example 10-8: All Answer Choices are Vertical

Numbered question followed by columned and lettered answer choices; A. and B. are in the first column, and C. and D. are in the second column

#bd4 ,:at cd expla9 a human k>yotype %[+
⠀⠀⠀⠀#dg *romosomes8
⠀⠀,a4 monosomy
⠀⠀,b4 trisomy
⠀⠀,c4 codom9.e
⠀⠀,d4 dom9ant traits

See Sample 10-1: All Answer Choices Begin in the Same Cell on page 10-21.

b.  It is necessary to make a judgment call when answer choices are unnumbered/unlettered, and there is no discernible order. Be consistent once it has been decided to list items in horizontal or vertical order.

See Sample 10-2: Answer Choices Without Discernible Order on page 10-22.

10.5       Write-on-Lines Before or After Questions

10.5.1     Omit lines, dashes, circles, boxes, or other print devices printed before or after questions, indicating where students are to answer questions. Exception: Inserting a double dash before questions/answer choices may be requested for expendable material.

Example 10-9: Omit Write-on-Lines Before Questions

Write-on-line before each question

#f4 ,e 3gres.nal t]m is divid$ 9to
⠀⠀a4 f\r ses.ns p] ye>4
⠀⠀b4 twelve mon?s4
⠀⠀c4 two "o-ye> ses.ns4
#g4 ,turnov] am;g memb]s ( '''

Example 10-10: Omit Write-on-Lines After Questions

Write-on-line after each question

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀,a ,s;g = ,sailors


⠀⠀⠀⠀,foll[ yr t1*]'s 9/ruc;ns 6answ] !
⠀⠀⠀⠀foll[+ "qs ab 8,! ,lorelei40
#a4 ,:o 7 ! "*s8
#b4 ,:at 0 ! sett+8

10.5.2     Unnumbered/unlettered print lines, boxes, etc., indicating the number of expected answers are omitted. When this number is not referenced in the text, insert the number of expected answers in an embedded transcriber's note following the question.

Example 10-11: Embedded TN with Number of Answers

Numbered item followed by a vertical list of seven write-on-lines

#a4 ,li/ ! 3t95ts4 ,'#g answ]s,'

a.  In expendable materials the answer lines are retained if they are numbered or lettered. A long list may be changed to columns to save space.

b.  In regular editions numbered or lettered answer lines may be retained, or transcribed as an embedded transcriber's note. Sample:

Answers a-e.

Example 10-12: Lettered List Retained for Expendable Material

Numbered item followed by a.-e. vertical list and lettered write-on-lines

#a4 ,li/ ! ,grt ,lakes4

10.6       Write-on-Lines Within Sentences

10.6.1     A double (omission) dash ---- (36, 36, 36, 36), preceded and followed by a blank cell, represents a print dash, blank space, or other print device that indicates omission of a word.

10.6.2     Do not use the contractions for to, into, and by before the omission dash.

10.6.3     Punctuation is unspaced from the omission dash.

Example 10-13: Omission Dash for Missing Word

Missing word in sentence indicated by a write-on-line

#a4 ,td is ----4

Example 10-14: Omission Dash Used to Indicate Missing Words

Samples of different print methods of indicating a missing word (hyphens, blank space, write-on-line, rectangle)

,vanilla ---- is my favorite dess]t4
,vanilla ---- is my favorite dess]t4
,td is ----4
,td is ----4

10.6.4     Use an omission dash for each write-on-line representing a word.

Example 10-15: Multiple Write-on-Line Words

Sentence with four consecutive write-on-lines

⠀⠀,n[ is ! ---- ---- ---- ---- m5 6-e 6!
aid ( _! c.try4

10.6.5     Follow print for punctuation and location of answer cues.

10.6.6     Insert a space between omission dashes and answer numbers or cues.

Example 10-16: Follow Print for Answer Cues in Parentheses

Write-on-line within a question; answer cue is in parentheses after the question

,:at is ---- 76g7 on "r n[8 7go+7

10.6.7     Insert the omission dash before answer cues written on the write-on-line and within parentheses.

Example 10-17: Answer Cue After Omission Dash

Write-on-line within a question; answer cue is in parentheses on the write-on-line

,:at is ---- 76g7 on "r n[8

10.6.8     Insert the omission dash before answer cues written above or below the write-on-line.

Example 10-18: Answer Cue Above Write-on-Line

Write-on-line within a question; answer cue is in parentheses above the write-on-line

,:at is ---- 76g7 on "r n[8

Example 10-19: Answer Cue Below Write-on-Line

Write-on-line within a question; answer cue is in parentheses below the write-on-line

,:at is ---- 76g7 on "r n[8

10.6.9     When a word or phrase without enclosure symbols is shown above or below a printed line to indicate an insertion is to be made, use an omission dash followed by the word or phrase with enclosure symbols added.

10.6.10   A transcriber's note is inserted to explain this usage. Use the term "double dash" in the transcriber's note, as that's the term most teachers and readers know. Sample:

The words below the sentences are placed in parentheses after the double dash.

Example 10-20: Answer Cue Below Write-on-line

Write-on-line within a question; answer cue is below the write-on-line

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀,',! ^ws 2l ! s5t;es >e plac$ 9
⠀⠀⠀⠀p>5!ses af ! d\# da%4,'
,! %op ---- 7sell7 b1uti;l kites4

10.6.11   Numbered or Lettered Answer Cues Within Questions. Do not insert an omission dash when print shows only the answer number placed in symbols of enclosure.

Example 10-21: Numbered Answer Cue in Parentheses

Answer cue of 4 in parentheses is within a question

,:at is 7#d7 on "r n[8

10.6.12   Answer Cues with Question Marks. A question mark alone, or over or under a print line, represents a write-on-line. Precede the question mark with @ (4). List the symbol on the Special Symbols page, in an embedded transcriber's note, or in a transcriber's note before the text. Sample:

? is a freestanding question mark.

Example 10-22: Freestanding Question Mark

A freestanding question mark is within a question

,:at is @8 ,'"q m>k4,' "r n[8

Example 10-23: Question Mark Above Line

Write-on-line within a question; a question mark is on the write-on-line

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀,'@8 is a free/&+ "q m>k4,'
,:at is ---- @8 "r n[8

10.6.13   Words or Sentences with Regular or Superscript Numbers or Letters

a.  Follow print punctuation used with a regular or superscript number/letter answer cue within an exercise.

b.  The number/letter is preceded or followed by (follow print) an omission dash when a numbered write-on-line or other print device is used.

c.  The number/letter with its punctuation is preceded and followed by a blank cell.

d.  Follow print placement, before or after the write-on-line, for numbers or letters.

Example 10-24: Numbered Answer Cue Before Omission Dash

Write-on-line within a question; 4 in parentheses immediately precedes the write-on-line

,:at is 7#d7 ---- on "r n[8

Example 10-25: Numbered Answer Cue After Omission Dash

Write-on-line within a question; 4 in parentheses immediately follows the write-on-line

,:at is ---- 7#d7 on "r n[8

e.  Do not use the superscript symbol.

f.  Answer numbers and corresponding omission dashes are not divided between lines.

Example 10-26: Superscript Numbers

Write-on-lines are within sentences; each write-on-line is preceded by a superscript number

,he 0 born 9 ! ye> #a4 ---- 9 ! /ate (
#b4 ----4 ,he grew up 9 #c4 ----4 ,2f
mov+ 6,texas1 8 family #d4 ---- b
#e4 ----4

10.6.14   Partial Words with Blank Spaces

a.  Use uncontracted braille for the entire word when the blank is part of a word.

Example 10-27: Uncontracted Braille for Partial Words

Partial words preceded or followed by write-on-lines


⠀⠀⠀⠀,select ! correct prefix 9 ea*
⠀⠀⠀⠀extra  hemi  over  under
#a4 ----cast sky
#b4 s\!rn ----sphere

b.  Use the compound hyphen 33 (25, 25), instead of a regular hyphen, when the blank is part of a compound hyphenated word.

c.  The compound hyphen is listed on the Special Symbols page, or in a transcriber's note before the text.

Example 10-28: Compound Hyphenated Write-on-Lines

Compound hyphenated write-on-line within a sentence

,driv+ on a ----33---- hi<way makes me

d.  The regular hyphen - (36) is used at the end of a braille line when it is not in contact with the omission dash in a divided write-on-line hyphenated compound word.

Example 10-29: Divided Write-on-Line Word

father is followed by a hyphen and ends the line; a write-on-line begins the next line and connected to a hyphen before law

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀''' "f-

10.7       Displayed Text in Exercise Material

10.7.1     The adjusted left margin for displayed text in exercise material is cell 5, with indented paragraphs in 7-5.

10.7.2     For multilevel displayed text in exercise material, the first level in a nested list format begins in cell 5 with the appropriate runover two cells to the right of the farthest indented subentry.

One level: 5-7

Two levels: 5-9, 7-9

Three levels: 5-11, 7-11, 9-11


For further information on displayed material see Section 9, Displayed Material, Attributions, and Source Information.

See Sample 10-3: Displayed Paragraph on page 10-23.

See Sample 10-4: Displayed Poem on page 10-24.

10.7.3     Word List for Multiple Questions

a.  A word list for multiple questions is treated as displayed material.

b.  The word list is preceded and followed by blank lines.

c.  Follow print if the word list is in columns. Do not use guide dots.

d.  Follow print if the word list is in alphabetical order.

See Sample 10-5: Word List for Multiple Questions on page 10-25.

10.7.4     A word list for multiple questions must appear before the first question.

a.  When answer choices are in a box, insert a blank line before and after the box.

b.  Boxed word lists begin in cell 1.

See Sample 10-6: Word List Moved on page 10-26.

See Section 9, Displayed Material, Attributions, and Source Information for more information about word lists (§9.2.4, Format for Displayed Short Word Lists; §9.2.5, Format for Displayed Long Word Lists).

10.8       Exercise Examples, Sample Questions with Answers

10.8.1     Retain emphasis for labels identifying examples, models, samples of questions with answers, etc., when the label is not followed by punctuation.

10.8.2     Do not retain emphasis for labels identifying examples, models, samples of questions with answers, etc., when the label is followed by punctuation. (Sample 10-9)

10.8.3     A blank line is required before and after exercise examples.

10.8.4     The format of exercise examples is the same as the format of the questions/answers that follow.

See Sample 10-7: Exercise Example with Bold Labels on page 10-27.

10.8.5     When a label is followed by a numbered item on the same line, move the numbered item to the next line so all numbered items begin in the same cell. Keep the label in
cell 1.

See Sample 10-8: Numbered Sentences Begin in Same Cell on page 10-28.

10.8.6     When a label is followed by a pair of sentences, both sentences begin in cell 1.

See Sample 10-9: Sentences Begin in Same Cell on page 10-29.

10.8.7     Text with Numbers Above or Below the Sentence, Word, or Phrase

a.  A number above or below a sentence is placed before the sentence to which it applies.

b.  Follow print for emphasis.

Example 10-30: Number Above Sentence

Two sentences with 1 above the first sentence; sentence has two underlined phrases, and an italicized title

#a _- ,9 ! drama1 ,' .,! .,phantom
.,tollboo?1 _- ,milo is bor$4 ,' ,he is
a re/.s boy :o is n"e satisfi$ ) :at he

10.9       Matching

10.9.1     Matching Narrow Columns. Columns of matching items are not treated as displayed material.

a.  Insert a blank line between the directions and the columns and begin the first column in cell 1.

b.  Follow print if columns can fit across the width of the line without any runovers.

c.  Two blank cells are left between the end of the longest item in the first column and the left-hand margin of the second column.

d.  Do not use guide dots to fill out the first column.

e.  Follow the guidelines in Section 11, Tables and Related Columns for column headings and separation lines when matching columns have headings.

See Sample 10-10: Matching Narrow Columns on page 10-30.

10.9.2     Matching Wide Columns

a.  Convert the columns to two lists if the items are too long to fit the width of the line.

b.  Any column headings are treated as cell-5 headings before each list. When there are no print headings, insert a heading, enclosed in transcriber's notes symbols, using terms suggested in the directions.

c.  Both columns appear on the same page when possible.

d.  Neither list should be divided between pages.

e.  Use facing pages in interpoint transcriptions when the two lists don't fit on a single page. Whenever possible, do not divide a list between pages.

See Sample 10-11: Wide Columns Changed to Lists on page 10-31.

See Sample 10-12: Headings Added to Matching Lists on page 10-32.

10.10     True-False Exercises

10.10.1   Always include print abbreviations or wording, e.g., T/F, True/False, etc. Follow print placement.

Example 10-31: True False Abbreviations Before Sentences

T F is before each numbered sentence

;,t ;,f #a4 ,?omas ,je6]son 0 ! #a/
⠀⠀presid5t (! ,unit$ ,/ates4
;,t ;,f #b4 ,jimmy ,c>t] only s]v$ "o
⠀⠀t]m z presid5t4

Example 10-32: True False after Sentences

True False is after each numbered question

#a4 ,?omas ,je6]son 0 ! #a/ presid5t (!
⠀⠀,unit$ ,/ates4 ,true ,false
#b4 ,jimmy ,c>t] only s]v$ "o t]m z
⠀⠀presid5t4 ,true ,false

10.11     Formats for Pictures in Exercise Material

10.11.1   Many texts use pictures in exercises. An embedded transcriber's note with a brief description is used in material that is partially or totally pictures.

Example 10-33: Embedded Picture TN in Sentence

A picture of a butterfly, instead of the word, is used in a sentence

,! ,'butt]fly,' flew s\? =! w9t]4

10.11.2   Picture descriptions are not limited to seven or fewer words.

Example 10-34: Embedded TNs for Answer Choices

Numbered question followed by three lettered pictures of boys and girls eating

#a4 ,: is a gd habit8
⠀⠀a4 ,'girl eat+ c&y,'
⠀⠀b4 ,'two boys eat+ ice cr1m f !
⠀⠀c4 ,'girl eat+ a c>rot,'

10.11.3   When a separate portion of an exercise is shown as pictures, or as pictures with text, insert the transcriber's note symbol ,' (6, 3) in cell 7 before the word Pictures. Place the closing transcriber's note symbol after the last entry. Use the appropriate format for the exercise.

Note: Use this option only when appropriate. Care should be taken to not give the answers.

See Sample 10-13: Transcriber's Note for Picture Descriptions on page 10-33.

10.12     Samples

Sample 10-1: All Answer Choices Begin in the Same Cell, page 10-21

Sample 10-2: Answer Choices Without Discernible Order, page 10-22

Sample 10-3: Displayed Paragraph, page 10-23

Sample 10-4: Displayed Poem, page 10-24

Sample 10-5: Word List for Multiple Questions, page 10-25

Sample 10-6: Word List Moved, page 10-26

Sample 10-7: Exercise Example with Bold Labels, page 10-27

Sample 10-8: Numbered Sentences Begin in Same Cell, page 10-28

Sample 10-9: Sentences Begin in Same Cell, page 10-29

Sample 10-10: Matching Narrow Columns, page 10-30

Sample 10-11: Wide Columns Changed to Lists, page 10-31

Sample 10-12: Headings Added to Matching Lists, page 10-32

Sample 10-13: Transcriber's Note for Picture Descriptions, page 10-33