What is Braille?
Braille is a system of touch reading and writing in which raised dots represent letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and other symbols. It is written in horizontal lines from left to right across each page, much as print is written. Braille users read by moving a finger or fingers from left to right along each line. Both hands are usually involved in the reading process. The average reading speed is about 125 words per minute, but greater speeds of up to 200 words per minute are possible.
The braille cell, an arrangement of six dots, is the basic unit for reading and writing braille. Sixty-three different patterns are possible from these six dots.
By using braille, blind people have access to the written word. They can become aware of different conventions such as spelling, punctuation, paragraphing, and footnotes. Most of all, blind individuals can have access to a wide range of reading materials - educational and recreational reading as well as other practical materials. Written matter that is part of daily adult life is equally important. These materials include contracts, regulations, insurance policies, directories, appliance instructions, and cookbooks, to name a few. Also through braille, blind people can pursue hobbies and cultural enrichment with such materials as music scores, hymnals, craft instructions, playing cards, and games.
Braille has undergone continuing modification, particularly the addition of contractions, which represent groups of letters or whole words that appear frequently in a language. The use of contractions permits faster braille reading and helps reduce the size of braille books.
Our Mission
BANA's mission is to assure literacy for tactile readers through standardization of braille and/or tactile graphics.
Our Purpose
BANA's purpose is to promote and to facilitate the use, teaching, and production of braille. It publishes rules, interprets and renders opinions pertaining to braille in all existing and future codes. It deals with codes now in existence or to be developed in the future, in collaboration with other countries using English braille. In exercising its function and authority, BANA considers the effects of its decisions on other existing braille codes and formats; the ease of production by various methods; and acceptability to readers.
Who We Are
The Braille Authority of North America is made up of the member organizations shown below. One representative of each member organization serves on the BANA Board.
Full Members:
- Alternate Text Production Center of the California Community Colleges (ATPC) - Marie Zaldivar, Representative
- American Council of the Blind - Judy Dixon, Representative
- American Foundation for the Blind - Frances Mary D'Andrea, Representative
- American Printing House for the Blind - Kyle DeJute, Representative
- Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind & Visually Impaired - Mary Nelle McLennan, Representative
- California Transcribers and Educators for the Blind and Visually Impaired - Tracy Gaines, Representative
- CIDI (Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation)) - Hollie Knight, Representative
- Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired - Tina Seger, Representative
- CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind) - Jen Goulden, Representative
- Hadley - Danette Johnson, Representative
- National Braille Association - Diane Spence, Representative
- National Braille Press, Inc. - Georgie Syndor, Representative
- National Federation of the Blind - Jennifer Dunnam, Representative
- National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled - Amber Pearcy, Representative
- Perkins School for the Blind - Wendy Buckley, Representative
Associate Members:
- Allyant - Aquinas Pather, Representative
- Council of Schools and Services for the Blind (COSSB) - Emily Coleman, Representative
- Crawford Technologies - Holly Bullock, Representative
- Educational Center for the Blind and Disabled of Puerto Rico - TBA
- Horizons for the Blind - TBD, Representative
How We Serve
BANA works largely through committees composed of transcribers, braille readers, education and rehabilitation professionals, and Board Members. These committees are charged with updating the braille codes, formats, and techniques as well as the on-going business of BANA. Changes to the braille codes may be suggested by readers, transcribers, and producers. Before changes are made, the committees carefully study possible impact on readability and usability of braille as well as the benefit the change would provide. Proposed changes or revisions are submitted to all other technical committees to avoid conflict with existing braille codes. The BANA Board issues final approval for adoption and dissemination.
BANA committees include:
- Braille Formats Technical Committee
- Crafts and Hobbies Technical Committee
- General Committee on Electronic Braille Translation
- General Committee on Unified English Braille
- General Committee on Review Process
- General Committee on Digital Assets
- Nemeth Code Technical Committee
- Music Braille Technical Committee
- Tactile Graphics Technical Committee
- Ad Hoc Committee on Chemistry
- Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling
- Ad Hoc Committee on Standardized Tests
- Ad Hoc Committee on eBRF
- Publications Committee
Learning about BANA's Work
BANA-Announce is a one-way email list that disseminates official BANA information.
To join this listserv, click the link below.
BANA Publications
All BANA publications are available electronically from our website, and some publications are avalible in hard copy print and braille for purchase. For further information on obtaining print, braille, or electronic copies, visit http://www.brailleauthority.org/publications-area.
Contact BANA
Jen Goulden, Chair
Braille Authority of North America
The Braille Authority of North America is a member of the International Council on English Braille. For more information about ICEB, visit www.iceb.org.