Revised by the Bylaws Committee









Full Members:

Alternative Text Production Center of the California Community Colleges
American Council of the Blind

American Foundation for the Blind
American Printing House for the Blind
Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired
California Transcribers and Educators for the Blind and Visually Impaired

CIDI (Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation)
CNIB (The Canadian National Institute for the Blind)
Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Horizons for the Blind

National Braille Association

National Braille Press

National Federation of the Blind

National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled

Perkins School for the Blind


Associate Members:

Council of Schools and Services for the Blind
Crawford Technologies




Bylaws Committee Members (2023)

Jennifer Dunnam, National Federation of the Blind, Chair

Jen Goulden, CNIB

Mary Nelle McLennan, Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired

Tamara Rorie, National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled


Additional copies may be obtained from the Chair of the BANA Board.



Table of Contents


Record of Changes................................................................................................................... iv


1.0...... General Policies............................................................................................................. 1

1.1...... Mission.............................................................................................................. 1

1.2...... Bylaws and Policies........................................................................................... 1

1.3...... Organizational Membership.............................................................................. 1

1.3.1... Full Membership................................................................................... 1

1.3.2... Associate Membership.......................................................................... 2

1.4...... Meetings............................................................................................................ 2

1.5...... Observers........................................................................................................... 2

1.6...... Cooperation with international braille organizations........................................ 3


2.0...... Financial Policies.......................................................................................................... 4

2.1...... Budget Approval............................................................................................... 4

2.2...... Reimbursement Policies.................................................................................... 4


3.0...... Officers.......................................................................................................................... 5

3.1...... Term Commences.............................................................................................. 5

3.2...... Chair.................................................................................................................. 5

3.3...... Vice-chair.......................................................................................................... 5

3.4...... Secretary............................................................................................................ 6

3.5...... Treasurer............................................................................................................ 7

3.6...... Immediate Past Chair........................................................................................ 8


4.0...... Board............................................................................................................................. 8

4.1...... Membership....................................................................................................... 8

4.2...... Duties................................................................................................................. 8

4.2.1... Organizational Representatives............................................................. 8

4.2.2... Responsibilities..................................................................................... 8


5.0...... Committees.................................................................................................................. 11

5.1...... Structure and Procedures ................................................................................ 11

5.2...... Membership..................................................................................................... 11

5.3...... Committee Chair Responsibilities .................................................................. 11

5.4...... Committee Liaison Responsibilities................................................................ 13

5.5...... Technical Committees..................................................................................... 14

5.6...... Board Committees........................................................................................... 17

5.7...... General Committees........................................................................................ 17

5.8 Ad Hoc Committees.............................................................................................. 19


6.0...... Communication........................................................................................................... 19

6.1...... Press Releases.................................................................................................. 19

6.2...... Listserv Management...................................................................................... 19

6.3...... Social Media.................................................................................................... 19

6.4...... Website............................................................................................................ 20

6.5...... Stationery......................................................................................................... 20

6.6 Other Materials...................................................................................................... 20

6.7 Annual Report....................................................................................................... 20

6.8 Recognition of Significant Occasions................................................................... 20


7.0...... BANA Records............................................................................................................ 23




A........ Considerations When Hosting a BANA Board Meeting............................................. 25

B........ Guidelines for Email Voting....................................................................................... 27

C........ Business Expense Policies and Procedures........................................................... 28

D........ Model Appointment Letter.......................................................................................... 31

E......... Committee Reporting Outline..................................................................................... 32

F......... Model Cover Letter for Review of Code Changes/Revisions..................................... 36

G........ Administrative Assistant Position Description........................................................... 37

H........ BANA's Dropbox File and Folder Protocols............................................................... 39



Record of Changes


In 1997, the Bylaws Committee was charged with making a thorough evaluation of the BANA Policies. As a result of that study, the policies were reorganized and the numbering system was changed. A number of new sections were added. Several of these cover topics discussed and approved in previous meetings, but not previously designated as part of the Policies.


In 2013, the Bylaws Committee completed its charges from 2011 relative to a thorough review and evaluation of the BANA Bylaws and BANA Policies. The charges included: revising the policies with regard to the procedures and timelines for code change review and approval; review and revision of the membership application requirements; review of the email voting procedures. The decision was made that the Policies would not duplicate the wording in the Bylaws. As a result, some of the policies were removed. Sections in Bylaws 6 that referred to board and general committees were moved to the Policies Section 5



1.0     General Policies


1.1       The mission of the Braille Authority of North America, hereinafter designated as BANA, is to assure literacy for tactile readers through the standardization of braille and/or tactile graphics.

1.2       Basic mandates for BANA, its member organizations, officers, and Board are contained in the Bylaws adopted by the Board. In conformance with the Bylaws, the Board members shall formulate, adopt, and revise BANA Policies as they may deem necessary.

These Policies are guidelines for the implementation of the Bylaws. They may be changed, supplemented, or deleted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the full Board at any meeting of the Board.

1.3       Organizational Membership

1.3.1    Full Membership The current member organizations shall be full members of BANA. Non-profit organizations and agencies who have the following purposes, scope, and functions may be considered for membership in BANA:

Braille use or production must be a primary but not necessarily the only purpose of the organization or agency.

Primary braille codes used must be those approved by BANA although codes approved by other braille authorities may be used for production of braille materials intended for use in countries that use a different code.

Scope of the organization or agency shall be national within a North American country. The member organization shall have a national, routine presence in its membership, market, and service area.

Organization or agency shall have been working with braille or in support of braille-related issues for at least five (5) years.

Function of the organization or business shall be in support of BANA’s mission. The process for applying for membership is as follows:

The organization or agency desiring membership in BANA shall submit the following materials in accessible format to the BANA Board: documents demonstrating commitment to braille and use of BANA codes, including but not limited to bylaws, mission statement, statement of organizational scope, and documents demonstrating fiscal stability over the past five (5) years, such as annual reports.

Documents submitted will be reviewed by the Membership Committee for completeness. Requests for membership will be presented to the Board by the Membership Committee at least thirty (30) days before the next face-to-face meeting. Two-thirds (2/3) approval by the total Board is required for acceptance into membership.

1.3.2    Associate Membership Organizations, agencies, and businesses who meet the criteria outlined in below may apply for membership. Additionally, countries outside of North America who use BANA codes may apply for associate membership.

The application process outlined for full members will be followed by those seeking associate membership. New associate members will receive orientation materials.

All associate members will be afforded the rights and responsibilities of full members of the Board, but will not vote or attend in camera sessions.

1.4       Meetings

1.4.1    Each full membership organization shall sponsor a meeting on a rotational basis. Organizations may exchange dates when necessary. The organization representative is responsible for making meeting arrangements and sharing them with Board members. See Appendix A, Considerations When Hosting a BANA Board Meeting.

1.4.2    Face-to-face meetings need not be located at the headquarters of membership organizations, but location should consider ease, convenience, and cost of travel and accommodations. Dates and lodging arrangements are to be finalized as soon as practicable, preferably allowing for a minimum of ninety (90) days advance notice.

1.4.3    Technical committee chairs invited to attend a face-to-face meeting of the Board shall be reimbursed for legitimate documented expenses.

1.5       Observers

Recognizing its responsibilities as an organization whose decisions affect the public, BANA encourages observers at its Board and committee meetings when possible.

1.5.1    Those who wish to observe at a BANA Board Meeting are required to notify the BANA Chair and will be granted observer status. Observer status gives observers the right to introduce themselves at the beginning of the meeting session at which they arrive and to participate in the discussion at a face-to-face meeting of the BANA Board, such participation to occur at the invitation of the Chair at the end of the discussion by the Board members before any vote is taken on that agenda item. The Chair will exercise its duty to limit discussion on a topic by the Board members and the participation by observers before the vote. Observers do not have any other speaking rights or the right to vote or to challenge any outcomes.

1.5.2    Those who wish to observe at a BANA committee meeting are required to notify the committee chair and will be granted observer status. Rights of participation for observers at a BANA committee meeting are the same as for those attending a BANA Board meeting.

1.5.3    The committee chair should inform any BANA Board member in the vicinity of an upcoming meeting as to its location, time, and purpose.

1.6       Cooperation with International Braille Organizations.

1.6.1    BANA shall cooperate with organizations established to set rules for braille.

1.6.2    BANA delegates to international conferences should be able to accept nomination to an office, if asked. BANA will pay appropriate expenses of attending related meetings for BANA chair and other delegates if member organizations are unable to do so.

1.6.3    BANA may appoint international consultants to any of its technical, general, and ad hoc committees or to any of its committees except board committees for the expertise of the consultant and to further international collaboration. The consultant would be a voting member of the committee.


2.0     Financial Policies


2.1       Budget Approval

 In order to stay within the total budget, the BANA Chair is authorized to reallocate line items not to exceed the total of the annual budget. The approved annual budget should be distributed as part of the minutes of the annual business meeting.

2.2       Reimbursement Policies

2.2.1    Reimbursement requests are to be submitted by committee chairs and Board members a) no later than four weeks from when they were incurred, b) in the fiscal year in which they were incurred, and c) no later than January 15 of the next fiscal year.

2.2.2    Guidelines for Reimbursement:

The BANA expense voucher shall be available electronically at banafiles for the BANA Board Members. The BANA Treasurer shall be responsible for supplying BANA technical committee chairs with an adequate supply of expense vouchers. The vouchers must always include a copy of the BANA Business Expense Policies and Procedures. See Appendix C, Business Expense Policies and Procedures.

Itemized accounts are to be submitted to the appropriate committee chairs for approval and signature, submitted to the BANA Chair for his/her signature, and forwarded to the Treasurer for payment. Receipts customarily issued are to be attached.

Automobile mileage allowances for BANA-authorized travel is set at the current federal rate per mile in U.S. funds or the equivalent amount for kilometers.

The Chair's expenses are to be approved by either the Vice-Chair or Secretary before reimbursement by the Treasurer.

All checks to the Treasurer shall be signed by the BANA Chair, an alternate check signer.


3.0 Officers

3.1       Term Commences

The Officers of BANA shall commence their duties as newly appointed officers on January 1.

3.2       The Chair of BANA:

3.2.1    Presides at all meetings of the Board.

3.2.2    Answers all correspondence and inquiries concerning BANA that are general in nature.

3.2.3    Receives requests for rulings concerning interpretations of existing codes, suggestions for alterations in the codes, and requests for the development of new codes. Refers simple problems of interpretation of a code or of a technical nature to the appropriate committee chair for consideration and informs the originator of the request of the action taken. Presents to the Board requests for the alteration of codes or the development of new codes. The BANA Board decides at a face-to-face meeting if it wishes to consider them. The Chair informs the originator of the action taken.

3.2.4    Receives semi-annual and special reports from the technical committees; receives, when applicable,  quarterly project status reports from committee liaisons.

3.2.5    Circulates all reports within ten (10) days after receiving them, if not already sent to other Board members.

3.2.6    Issues the call for a regular meeting (except for a face-to-face meeting) no less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting. Circulates the agenda for face-to-face and regular meetings no less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting.

3.2.7    Shall direct a letter to a producer consistently misusing a braille sign; such letter would reinforce a need for accurate braille.

3.2.8    Shall be an alternate check signer and will ensure that the financial review is performed.

3.3       The Vice-Chair:

3.3.1.   Assists the Chair in the performance of his/her duties and acts as presiding officer in the absence of the Chair.

3.3.2    Works with the Strategic Planning Committee to monitor progress on the adopted BANA Strategic Plan.

3.3.3    Serves as liaison with host agency to assure that all arrangements for upcoming Board meetings are handled in a timely manner.

3.3.4    Serves as contact person for new Board representatives, providing them with orientation materials and mentoring during first year as representative.

3.3.5    Drafts Press Releases for review by the Board. Prepares final copies for distribution.

3.3.6    Shall be an alternate check signer.

3.4       The Secretary:

3.4.1    Reads into the minutes the following Indemnification Resolution before the Annual Meeting:

“BANA indemnifies its Officers and Board of Directors and holds them harmless from all claims of every kind, including court expenses, attorneys' fees, and the claimed amount arising from the performance of their duties as Officers and Directors except for their own acts of dishonesty and gross negligence.”

3.4.2    Prepares and electronically distributes minutes to Board Members. Sends a preliminary draft of the minutes to the Chair for initial review within fourteen (14) days after the Board meeting. Sends the revised draft out to all Board members within thirty (30) days of the meeting. The Board members then have seven (7) days to submit comments and corrections. The secretary then distributes the final draft of the minutes to Board members no more than seven (7) days after the correction deadline with a motion for approval.

Distributes final approved minutes to all Board members and posts them to the website. Files the final version of the minutes, signed by the Chair and Secretary, in the corporate minute book. Causes a signed copy to be filed in the archives.

Attaches committee reports to the final, signed minutes and stores them electronically.

In camera discussions will not appear in the minutes. Minutes of the in camera discussion and documents distributed during in camera discussions will be held by the Chair, but will not be distributed as attachments to the minutes.

3.4.3    Is responsible for the preparation of a “To Do List” to be sent to all Board members following each Board meeting.

3.4.4    Distributes press releases after development by the Vice-Chair and Chair.

3.4.5    Circulates, records, and reports all votes and/or referenda taken between meetings, as directed by the Board.

3.4.6    Is responsible for the preparation of an accessible database for the maintenance of the directory that shall include the official name and address of each member organization, the name, address and expiration date of the term for each representative, the chair, and members of each technical committee and date that term of office expires. The directory shall include the official address and registered agent of BANA.

3.4.7    Is responsible to ensure that all BANA listservs are accurate and up-to-date.

3.4.8    Is responsible for the record of Certificates of Appreciation.

3.5       The Treasurer:

3.5.1    Is primary check signer. Reimburses Board members and committee chairs and members for approved expenses and compensates independent contractors for approved services.

3.5.2    Prepares a tentative budget, accompanied by any and all accounting data necessary for its appraisal, for submission for approval by the Board at the annual (fall) meeting. It shall include the following appropriations: For each committee’s operations (submitted to the Board with the fall reports). For all BANA activities and programs. For travel expenses of persons traveling on authorized BANA business.

3.5.3    Mails out official notices of annual dues to each member organization with a copy to its BANA representative 30 days prior to the beginning of the next fiscal year.

3.5.4    Is authorized to invest BANA funds in six-month certificate(s), purchased through a government-insured source, provided that one and one-half (1-1/2) times the annual budget is reserved in liquid funds. Funds may be invested in a money market or interest-bearing savings account if the earnings are higher than in a certificate of deposit.

3.5.5    Within thirty (30) days of the close of the fiscal year, arranges for a financial review of the books of account of BANA by an agency publicly chartered or certified to perform such reviews. The agency may be designated by the Board, or in the absence of such designation, the Treasurer will select a reviewer and obtain the Chair's approval before proceeding. The Treasurer presents the report of this financial review to the Board upon completion and submits it for approval at the next annual meeting of the Board. (3-16) Within ninety (90) days of the close of the fiscal year and following the financial review, the Treasurer will create an annual report for the Publications Committee to prepare for public access.

3.5.6    Retains the original records and books of BANA through the period of financial review for each year. Following the financial review, files the financial review report at the official file location for as long as may be required by law. The Treasurer should keep copies of the original documents and books as necessary for the performance of his/her duties.

3.5.7    Notifies BANA's registered agent of the annual filing of BANA's corporation status and insures the proper payment of the filing fee.

3.5.8    Files required government forms to maintain BANA's corporation status, including annual IRS Form 990s and any IRS Form 1099s for compensation.

3.6       The Immediate Past Chairperson:

3.6.1    Shall serve in an advisory capacity to the incoming chairperson.


4.0     The Board of BANA


4.1       Membership:

4.1.1    Each full membership organizations shall appoint one representative to carry out the work of BANA.

4.1.2    The Chair shall be responsible for notifying member organizations of the expiration of the term of their representative and for requesting the appointment of a new or reappointed representative. New three (3) year terms begin at the beginning of the next calendar year.

4.1.3    Attendance at Board meetings is required. When attendance is not possible, the member organization shall appoint an alternate and so inform the BANA Chair with sufficient notice to permit the alternate to receive all pertinent materials before the meeting.

4.2       Duties:

4.2.1    Organization representatives shall: Give regular reports and communicate resolutions adopted by BANA to their organizations or agencies. Communicate their agencies’ concerns to BANA. Serve on BANA committees, other than technical committees, and serve as a committee liaison as requested. A representative to the BANA board must be able to conduct BANA business via telephone, email, and computer during business hours and, when necessary, outside business hours. Telephone use consists of: making and receiving phone calls and participating on conference calls. Email use consists of: checking email daily, sending and receiving email messages, participating on listservs, and managing email attachments. Computer use consists of: reading and managing files with complex formats, specialized fonts, and a variety of character sets. Must be able to easily navigate web sites and transmit to and receive files from servers. Declare a conflict of interest on any BANA-related issue in which they have or are perceived to have a direct personal or financial interest not common to other Board Members. Abstain from debate and voting on this issue.  Respond to direct questions about the issue.

4.2.2    Responsibilities: Approves final actions of all BANA committees. Approves budgets and charges of all BANA committees. Establishes BANA committees and approves their chairs, committee members, and consultants.

  • Issues charges to direct the work of BANA committees.
  • Receives proposals for the revision of braille codes and guidelines or the development of new codes and guidelines. Directs the appropriate technical committee to consider proposals and to recommend appropriate actions to the BANA Board.
  • Reviews and approves or disapproves changes in braille codes and guidelines. Adopts new codes and guidelines.
  • Authorizes evaluation of codes and guidelines when appropriate.
  • Publishes new and revised codes and guidelines and arranges for their dissemination to the field.

5.0     Committees


5.1       All Committees

5.1.1    Structure and Procedures Each committee shall submit a statement of proposed work, timetable, and budget to the Board for approval.

The work of the committee shall be conducted by mail, email, or conference call whenever possible. When a face-to-face meeting is necessary and funds are not available from other sources, BANA will reimburse committee members for transportation and expenses in accordance with BANA's guidelines. A report of actions taken at all formal meetings of committees will be distributed to members of that committee, the committee liaison, and the Chair of the BANA Board, who is an ex officio member of all committees.

5.2       Committee Membership

5.2.1    In addition to the requirements set forth in Bylaw Section 6.2.1, each committee shall have as broad a representation of geographic regions as practical. Committee members will be recommended by the Appointment Committee for approval by the BANA Board. See Appendix D, Model Appointment Letter.

5.2.2    Upon appointment, each new committee member shall receive a welcome letter from the Chair with a copy of the relevant section of the BANA Bylaws and Policies pertaining to committees as well as any information concerning the specific committee and its charges to which the individual has been appointed.

5.2.3    BANA Committee members will serve as unpaid volunteers.

5.3       Committee Chair Responsibilities

5.3.1 For Meetings: Chair all meetings: face-to-face, electronic, and telephone conference calls. Prepare and pre-circulate an agenda for each meeting. Appoint a note-taker for each meeting. Work via the authorized BANA listserv for the committee for all committee work between meetings. Assign committee work to each committee member as appropriate in order to meet targeted deadlines. Assure that meeting notes are circulated on the listserv and that they include any decisions made on the listserv between meetings. Inform committee members about relevant Board decisions, Shall be a voting member of the committee. Shall issue the call for all committee meetings at a time, and place for a face-to-face meeting, convenient for the members of the committee,

5.3.2    For Members: Work with the BANA Liaison to fill in the request forms for committee membership for action by the Appointment Committee. Work with the BANA Liaison to fill in the request form for a consultant based on the charges to the committee and the lack of the required expertise on the committee for a specific charge for action by the Appointment Committee. Work with the Board Liaison, if appointed, re: advice on the general working of the committee; charges from the Board; reports for the Board; participation of committee members. Discuss changes, additions, or deletions to the charges from the Board with the liaison, if appointed, prior to requesting the action in the report to the Board.

5.3.3    For Reports: Prepare and distribute an electronic report of the committee activities using the Committee Reporting Form provided, by the deadline specified on the cover sheet, prior to face-to-face Board meetings, whether or not there has been any action since the last face-to-face Board meeting. The report form will include the following information: charge(s) to the committee, method work was accomplished (e.g. face-to-face meetings, email, conference calls), findings or conclusions from work done, any resolutions or recommendations. Any rulings issued since the prior report are to be included as an addendum to the report. Request the budget for the coming year in the report to the Board at its annual (fall) meeting. Send a draft of the report to the committee liaison, if appointed, for review. The liaison will send it to the BANA-tech listserv when it has been finalized. If there is no committee liaison, send the report to the BANA Chair. Send the finalized report to the committee listserv. See Appendix E, Committee Reporting Outline. Present reports in person at the Board's request when there is a major project/assignment completed. Submit proposals to appropriate groups for review and feedback. Consider feedback and incorporate it, as appropriate, into the final report and recommendations to the Board.

5.4       Committee Liaison Responsibilities

5.4.1    Communication: Inform committee chairs of decisions made at the Board meeting. Answer questions for the committee and bring concerns of the committee to the chair of BANA. Present the committee report to Board and be prepared to clarify its content. (New 4-23) Complete and submit a quarterly "project status report" throughout the time that a committee is working on a charge that involves the development or completion of a project (e.g., newly created or revised documents to be authored by the committee). (re-numbered 4-23) Ensure that reports get to the Board in a timely manner and in accordance with the Committee Reporting Outline.

5.4.2 Committee Liaison Responsibilities: Make sure the committee chair is aware of and following BANA policies and procedures. Review past minutes of Board meetings to ensure the committee is following through on charges and other recommendations from the Board. Assure that all committee members have a current copy of the appropriate code, guideline, or document. Attend committee meetings as appropriate. Monitor the committee listserv. Be available for discussion with the committee chair when needed. Resolve issues regarding non-participating members with the committee chair and report their outcomes to the BANA Chair. Contact the chair of the committee the beginning of July each year to discuss the membership of the committee: those who are eligible for reappointment, those whose expertise is no longer required, and what new expertise is required. Work together to fill in the request forms for new members and consultants and return them to the Appointment Committee along with the names of suggested candidates.

5.5       Technical Committees

5.5.1    BANA shall maintain technical committees for all approved codes and guidelines:

Braille Formats, Music Braille, Nemeth Code, and Tactile Graphics. BANA shall provide each member of a technical committee with a copy of the specific code or guideline relevant to their committee, in his or her preferred format.

5.5.2    Technical Committee Chair: Shall transfer all supporting materials related to code development to the new technical committee chair when the term ends. Board members can serve as chair of a technical committee in emergency situations only. Appointment shall be for no more than one year at a time.

5.5.3    Rulings The ruling by a technical committee on the interpretation of an existing braille code and guideline is official. Copies of the rulings must be sent by the chair of the committee to the originator of the inquiry and the rulings must be included in the committee's semi-annual report.

5.5.4    Minor Code, Guideline, or Format Changes (5-16)

Revisions of existing codes and guidelines must be submitted to the chairs of the other technical committees and the BANA Board for review prior to submission to the Board for final approval. This review shall be for the purpose of avoiding the creation of conflicts among the braille codes and guidelines or of difficulties in production. Proposed revisions of BANA publications must be submitted to the chairs of the other technical committees and Board members for their assurance that the revision does not create any unresolvable conflicts with another code and guideline or create unnecessary difficulties in production. Technical committee members should discuss specific transcription problems and possible solutions with others.  If there is a conflict, every effort should be made to resolve it by joint consideration by the committees concerned. In the event of an irreconcilable division of opinion, majority and minority reports shall be submitted to the Board for final decision. Board members should also circulate these changes to their member organizations for comment. Sharing of draft revisions of documents, in whole or in part, is encouraged. However, the shared information must clearly be identified as draft. See Appendix F, Model Cover Letter for Review of Code and Guideline Changes/Revisions. Following the review of the proposed changes by the chairs of the other technical committees and Board members, the chair of the technical committee proposing the revision shall prepare a report submitting the revision to the Board of BANA for final review and adoption. This report is to include the rationale for each recommendation accepted and not accepted. BANA will conduct a quality control review for content accuracy (content review) at the same time as the technical review. The content review will be completed by a panel of subject matter experts chosen by the BANA Board in conjunction with the authoring committee. The members of the panel could come from the Board, a relevant BANA committee, or the community at large. The BANA Board may include one member of the authoring committee on the panel. The panel will have 30 days to complete the content review. The timeframe may be adjusted by the Committee on Review Process for longer or more complex manuscripts. The panel will check for inconsistencies; verify that content is accurate and clearly stated; and ensure that all examples (e.g., SimBraille) are correct.  The members of the panel will meet via telephone or online conferencing to discuss their findings and develop their report. The chair of the panel will submit the report to the BANA Chair and the chair of the Committee on Review Process. From this point, the process will follow the steps outlined in the Publications Workflow. (Re-numbered 11-19) Revisions shall be prepared according to the format of the main document, using the Authoring Guidelines for BANA Committees.

5.5.5    New or Major Revisions of Code and Guidelines The development and adoption of new braille codes and guidelines would follow the same procedures as those outlined in 5.5.4 above for the revision of existing codes. When code and guideline revisions are being proposed, the changes shall be sent to the chairs of each of the other technical committees in an accessible format via the BANA-tech listserv. The chairs of each technical committee and Board members shall: distribute the report to each member of the committee within three (3) days of its receipt; technical committee chairs have fifteen days to report its findings back to the originating committee chair. The originating chair shall forward the report, amended as necessary, to the BANA Chair and Board within thirty (30) days of receipt of comments. The rationale for not accepting any specific recommendation shall be included with the report. The Board shall take prompt action on the technical committee's recommendations.  If the Board determines that further committee work is required, it shall return the committee recommendation with guidelines back to the originating technical committee. This Board action shall constitute a charge and shall include direction to the committee regarding the necessity of repeating the procedures outlined in the above paragraphs. New codes and guidelines and major rewrites should be prepared according to the Specifications for the Production of Publications for the Braille Authority of North America, with guidance from the Publications Committee. BANA will strive to release hardcopy print and braille editions of new codes, guidelines, and major rewrites at the same time. All new codes, guidelines, and major rewrites shall be published on the BANA website in accessible printable and embossable forms. The American Printing House for the Blind (APH) shall produce hardcopy editions of new codes, guidelines, and major rewrites. All BANA publications shall be copyrighted. If the Board determines that evaluation is required, it shall charge the Research Committee with coordinating such evaluations.

5.5.6    Specific Charges The BANA Board shall make specific charges to technical committees. Such charges may originate with the Board or with a technical committee. If originated by a technical committee, the charge shall be formalized by the Board as a specific charge with any modifications the Board deems necessary and desirable. The committee shall carry out the charges within the time frame set by the Board, (i.e., complete committee study and deliberations and prepare a report covering substantial progress on or completion of the charge).

5.6       Board Committees

BANA shall maintain the following as board committees: Archives, Bylaws, Membership, Nominations, Outreach, and Strategic Planning.

5.6.1    (from Bylaws 6.3.6) The Archives Committee shall make recommendations on policies for and oversee the maintenance of the BANA archives. The chair of the committee shall liaise as necessary with the archivist at the American Printing House for the Blind where the BANA archives are housed. The Archives Committee shall create and maintain the definitive list of BANA committees and their members.

5.6.2    (from Bylaws 6.3.3) The Bylaws Committee shall study all or portions of the BANA Bylaws and Policies, and their related documents. This committee will prepare and submit changes in these documents electronically to the Board members no less than thirty days before the next meeting of the board.

5.6.3    (from Bylaws 6.3.5) The Membership Committee shall consider the applications for full and associate membership on the BANA Board. It shall make a recommendation on the membership to the Board based on the degree to which the applicant meets the BANA requirements for membership.

5.6.4    The function of the Nominating Committee can be found in Bylaws 6.3.2.

5.6.5    The Outreach Committee shall consist of a balance of members representing braille readers, educators, and transcribers. It shall inform and solicit input on BANA activities and projects through publications and presentations. The Outreach Committee shall make all arrangements for BANA participation in Board-approved exhibits, maintain the trunk with exhibit materials, and arrange for shipping.

5.6.6    (from Bylaws 6.3.7) The Strategic Planning Committee shall oversee the strategic planning process of the BANA Board as necessary and monitor progress towards the established goals.

5.6.7    Appointment Committee

5.7       General Committees

BANA shall maintain as General Committees: Awards, Electronic Braille Translation, Publications, Review Process, and Unified English Braille.

5.7.1    (from Bylaws 6.4.4) The Awards Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members, two of whom shall be members of the BANA Board and at least three (3) members of BANA committees. It shall oversee the process for the nomination of candidates for the BANA Excellence Award to be presented to the BANA Board for approval every two years, if there is a worthy candidate.

5.7.2    (Re-numbered 11-19; from Bylaws 6.4.2) The Publications Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members to oversee all aspects of the creation and distribution of accessible and accurate BANA publications. This committee's responsibility includes print, any and all alternative formats, and the electronic versions of these formats. Expertise in all of these formats shall be represented on the committee. This committee is also responsible for developing and maintaining the BANA website, all BANA logos, and other special indicia.

5.7.3    (re-numbered 11-19. new 5-16) The Review Process Committee manages the board and technical review process for BANA publications and projects. It also shall serve as a resource to BANA committees to assist them in determining appropriate ways to collect information to complete their charges.

5.7.4    (re-numbered 11-19; new 11-18) General Committee on Unified English Braille shall serve as a liaison and communication vehicle between the ICEB Code Maintenance Committee and the BANA Board, respond to UEB code questions from constituents, and design and refine methods for this task.

5.7.5    (New 5/23) The General Committee on Digital Assets Shall oversee and maintain the infrastructure for BANA’slistservs, website platform, and file storage; and shall work closely with the Publications committee to keep the BANA website and its associated documentation up-to-date.


5.8       Ad Hoc Committees

BANA has the following Ad Hoc Committees: Braille Signage and Labelling [2008], Early Literacy Materials Production [2004 est.], Chemistry (Nemeth) [2014], and Standardized Tests



6.0     Communication


6.1       Press Releases

6.1.1    The BANA Chair ensures that notification of adopted code and guideline changes and other press releases shall be sent to Chief Executives of BANA member organizations.

6.1.2    Press releases shall be posted on the BANA website, the BANA-announce listserv, and BANA's social media. The BANA-announce listserv includes BANA Board members, committee chairpersons, members of committees, and interested subscribers. Board members are encouraged to disseminate these press releases as widely as possible.

6.2       Listserv Management

BANA conducts its day-to-day business via a number of email listservs. A listserv shall be established for the BANA Board member representatives and each BANA committee. Additional listservs may be created for task forces and other groups within BANA needing to communicate. The BANA secretary is responsible for ensuring that all necessary individuals and organizations are added to appropriate listservs.

6.2.1    There are several listservs that are designed for specific distribution needs. BANA-tech is made up of all chairs of BANA committees and all Board member representatives. BANA-all is made up of the chairs and members of all committees and all board member representatives. BANA-announce is made up of the chairs and members of all committees, all board member representatives, and anyone who has expressed an interest in receiving promotional materials from BANA. This list is one-way.

6.2.2    BANA-l listserv is for internal communication among BANA Board member representatives.

6.2.3    Other BANA listservs are created for committees to carry out their work.

6.3       Social Media

6.3.1    Purpose

BANA shall maintain a presence on social media such as Twitter and Facebook in order to spread the word about our activities, to gather feedback from the community, and to help frame the general conversation about braille.

6.3.2    Social Media Administrator

Each of BANA’s social media venues shall have a designated administrator or co-administrators, who work closely with the BANA Chair and with those who distribute BANA announcements and press releases. Duties of the social media administrators:

  • post content for BANA, including links to press releases, fact sheets/position papers, photos, or other items to which BANA would like to draw attention;
  • check for replies, wall posts, and other feedback and respond as appropriate;
  • solicit assistance from the BANA chair, the press release committee, and other BANA Board members whenever appropriate to ensure suitable responses;
  • share on BANA’s social media relevant postings from others—such as our member organizations—to draw attention to or comment on the information.

6.3.3    Participation Role of individual Board representatives and organizations

BANA representatives whose organizations are active on social media or who are active as individuals are encouraged to participate by:

  • following BANA on social media to be informed about posts and reactions
  • sharing BANA postings with their own social media networks
  • encouraging others to follow BANA
  • providing ideas to BANA’s social media administrators about content to post

6.4       Website

The BANA website at is managed by the Publications Committee.

6.5       Stationery

BANA stationery shall be used only for correspondence related to BANA business. At no time shall such correspondence be placed on stationery carrying the letterhead of another organization.

6.6       Other Materials

Brochures and other materials for public relations purposes shall be distributed only after approval by the Board.

6.7       Annual Report (5-16)

Within ninety (90) days of the close of the fiscal year and following the financial review, the Treasurer will create an annual report for the Publications Committee to prepare for public access.

6.8       (New 5-23) Recognition of Significant Occasions

6.8.1    Recognitions for current committee chairs and committee members: Recognition of a significant illness of a current committee chair [or committee member]

•     Upon learning of the significant illness of a current committee chair or committee member, BANA will send a personal card extending our thoughts and encouraging wishes. Recognition of death of a BANA committee chair [or committee member.]

•     Upon the death of a current committee chair, BANA will make a $50.00 donation to the person’s respective agency or to a memorial or fund designated by the family. BANA will also send a personal card extending our condolences and acknowledging the member’s contributions to BANA and our mission.

•     Upon the death of a current committee member, BANA will send a handwritten card extending our condolences and acknowledging the member’s contributions to BANA and our mission. Recognition of death of immediate family member of a committee chair [or committee member]

•     Upon the death of an immediate member of a committee member’s family, BANA will send a personal card extending our condolences and offering our support.

Note: Immediate family will be considered a spouse [or partner, child, or parent.]

6.8.2    Recognitions for current members of the BANA Board Recognition of a significant illness of a current BANA Board member

•     Upon learning of the significant illness of a current Board member or administrative assistant, BANA will send a personal card extending our thoughts and encouraging wishes Recognition of death of a current BANA Board member

•     Upon the death of a current BANA Board member or administrative assistant, BANA will make a $100.00 donation to the person’s respective agency or to a memorial or fund designated by the family. BANA will also send a card extending our condolences and acknowledging the member’s contributions to BANA and our mission. Recognition of death of immediate family member of current BANA Board member

•     Upon the death of an immediate member of a Board member’s family or the family of the administrative assistant, BANA will send a floral arrangement or other remembrance (e.g., windchimes) [not to exceed $100.00] or will donate [$75.00 to a memorial or fund designated by the family.] BANA will also send a card extending our condolences and offering our support to the Board member.

NOTE: Immediate family will be considered a spouse or partner, child, or parent.

6.8.3    For a BANA Board member who leaves the Board

•     Upon the departure of a Board member from tenure on the BANA Board, BANA will present a recognition gift [of a consistent nature for all Board members.] The recognition gift will be in the $50.00 price range.

6.8.4    Recognition of BANA Chair at end of term

•     At the end of a BANA Chair’s service in that office, BANA will present a uniquely chosen recognition gift in the $200.00–$300.00 price range.

6.8.5    Customized note cards

We have purchased customized note cards carrying the BANA logo in print and the name of our organization in braille. These cards will be used to accompany recognition gifts and to send expressions of sympathy as described above. They will also be available for other occasions as appropriate.


7.0     BANA Records


7.1       Archive

BANA has contracted with the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) to establish an archive to be housed at APH in Louisville, Kentucky. The archive will house at least (1) copy of all records of BANA from its inception until the two (2) years preceding the present term of office. Also included in the BANA files at APH will be the records leading to the formation of BANA and the archival material of the former Braille Authority.

7.2       Format of Records

7.2.1    Provisions will be made for the housing of print and braille copies of all official codes and guidelines.

7.2.2    In addition to print copies of records, the files at APH shall maintain an electronic archive of BANA documents. Wherever possible, electronic copies of major BANA documents should include .txt, .brf, and word processing files (generally.doc or .docx files). Electronic copies of important correspondence received via email will also be transferred to APH.

7.3       Category of Records

The categories of files retained in archive at APH are determined with input from the BANA Archives Committee and the archivist at APH.

7.3.1    The Board Organization folder should contain: resolution of BANA organization; articles of incorporation; official member‑agency names; bylaws; and all official government documents.

7.3.2    Committee files will each contain all reports and correspondence having to do with their areas.

7.3.3    Minutes files will contain a copy of the approved minutes, agenda, and financial report for each meeting.

7.3.4    Any appropriate archival materials are to be retained.

7.4       Transfer of records

Arrangements will be made by the chairperson to transfer appropriate records of BANA to the Secretary and the archives at the end of each calendar year. Arrangements will be made by the Treasurer to transfer appropriate records to the secretary and archives at the end of each calendar year. Arrangements will be made by the Secretary to transfer appropriate records to the archives at the end of each calendar year.

7.5       Chair’s Records

The Chair will retain material generated in that year of office plus copies of all previous years' materials. The Chair will retain copies of minutes of in camera sessions of the Board and documents presented at Board meetings, but not included in the official record. The Chair shall retain copies of all documents received from the International Council on English Braille (ICEB) and any predecessor and successor organizations.

7.6       Secretary’s Records

7.6.1    The Secretary will retain general correspondence for two (2) previous years.

7.6.2    The Secretary's file (for security reasons) will have a duplicate copy of Board Organization documents; Policies; Treasurer reports; and official codes. The Secretary will also keep a copy of each set of minutes.

7.6.3    One braille copy—electronic or braille-ready version—will be kept by the Secretary of all Minutes, Bylaws, Policies.

7.7       Treasurer’s Records

7.7.1    Treasurer file contains all Internal Revenue forms and correspondence in chronological order by years plus all financial matters also arranged chronologically and inter-filed with IRS records only by the year.

7.7.2    The Treasurer will keep the original records and books of BANA through the period of financial review for each year. Following the financial review, the books and original records for that financial review should be filed at the official file location along with financial review report for as long as may be required by law. The Treasurer should keep copies of the original documents and books as necessary for the performance of his/her duties.



Appendix A: Considerations When Hosting a BANA Board Meeting


Guidelines are divided into three categories: hotel considerations, meeting considerations, and general notes.


1.         Hotel Considerations

1.1       Hotel arrangements should be made with a hotel for rooms for all board members (15-16 rooms). Most rooms will be single, but there may be requests for a few doubles. It may be useful to ask the host of the most recently completed meeting how many rooms were used. While each board member will pay for his/her own room directly, the organizer should arrange for a reduced rate for the group.

1.2       Hotel should be fully handicapped accessible, including appropriate braille signage. An on-site restaurant is a high priority. It is also good if there are other options for eating nearby. There should be easy access to a relief area for guide dogs. This space should include grass, not just concrete.

1.3       If the organizer is not providing transportation between the hotel and the meeting venue, it is best if the hotel is within walking distance of the meeting venue. If the meeting is to be held in the organization's facility that does not lend itself to staying in the neighborhood, transportation between the hotel and meeting location should be arranged by the host or should be easy for board members to arrange for themselves.


2.         Meeting Considerations

2.1       There should be an "official" greeting from the head of the organization (or his/her designee) at the first formal session of the board meeting.

2.2       The meeting space should include a table that would easily seat 15-20 people, thereby allowing adequate space for people to spread out all of the necessary equipment and materials.

2.3       There should be adequate seating for observers, generally around the room or to one side of the board table. Observers sit at the table only at the request of the board.

2.4       Enough power strips should be available to allow each board member to plug in a laptop computer. The host organization should provide access to a wireless internet connection.

2.5       Traditionally the host organization has provided breakfast and morning and afternoon breaks each day of the meeting. Breakfast can be simple but should be nutritious and include fresh fruit.  All Board members are not coffee drinkers. Breaks can be as simple as a selection of hot and cold beverages or as elaborate as the host desires.

2.6       The host organization is responsible for making arrangements for lunch on every day the Board meets all day. If necessary, Board members may be asked to contribute to the cost of the lunch.

2.7       Typically, the host organization hosts one meal. This can be a lunch or dinner. If a dinner, often guests are invited (spouses of board members, staff members of agency, members of host organization, local people who are interested in the activities of BANA, etc.). Due to the size of the group (usually 20-30 people at this dinner, sometimes more), the host generally makes decisions regarding the menu with two or three entree choices.


3.         General Notes

3.1       An email with information about the hotel and how to make reservations should be sent out as soon as practicable, preferably three months in advance. Policy 1.4.4 calls for a minimum of 90 days notice.

3.2       Transportation from airport to hotel—share information about different ways to get to the hotel, including estimated costs.

3.3       The host organization may assist in publicizing the BANA board meeting in local area, including necessary arrangements to be an observer.

3.4       Easy access to photocopying and braille embossing for preparation of last minute materials in accessible formats for all board members is helpful.

3.5       The host may arrange an optional tour of host agency/organization, if appropriate.


Appendix B: Guidelines for Email Voting


  1. A concern/issue may be brought up by the BANA Chair or by a board member. The clock doesn’t start until a motion is made by one board member and seconded by another board member.
  2. The BANA Chair restates the motion and indicates a specific, appropriate time limit for discussion.
  3. In a message containing a subject heading of “Vote request,” the BANA chair restates the motion after discussion, incorporating any “friendly” amendments. The chair specifies a start and end date for voting. Votes cast outside the voting period (before or after) are not counted. Decisions will be based on the positive or negative vote of the majority of the membership of the board [not majority of those voting].
  4. The voting period must be at least one week long.
  5. If a formal amendment is made during the discussion period, it must be voted upon before the motion is submitted to the group for a final vote.
  6. Board members cast their votes by replying to chair’s “Vote request” message.
  7. The secretary tracks and reports the votes after the closing date of the polls, indicating who has voted yes and no.
  8. The BANA chair declares the result of voting. If the motion passes, the BANA chair specifies what happens next including all of the following that are applicable: who, what, where, when, why, how. If the motion fails, the BANA chair specifies the next steps to be taken.
  9. The secretary incorporates as counted votes all of the votes taken through email into the minutes of next face-to-face meeting of the board as a counted vote.

Appendix C: Business Expense Policies and Procedures


General Policy


BANA will reimburse Board members and technical committee chairs and members for expenses and travel that have been previously budgeted and approved. Budget requests are to be submitted to the annual meeting.


1.0       General Expenses

1.1       Expenses incurred while conducting BANA business will be reimbursed only when submitted with the BANA expense voucher.

1.2       General expenses are all expenses, excluding those related to travel, approved in the annual budget. These include but are not limited to phone calls, copying, printing, postage, and shipping.


2.0       Transportation Policies

2.1       Tourist or coach fare at the lowest possible rate should be obtained on plane, train, or bus.

2.2       Travel allowance when driving is the current Federal rate per mile in U.S. funds or the appropriate amount for kilometers. Maximum reimbursable driving expenses will not exceed coach air fare.

2.3       When a BANA committee meeting is piggybacked on that of another organization, BANA will not normally be responsible for travel expenses of a BANA committee member who attends both meetings.

2.4       The most economical ground transportation should be used when practical.


3.0       Housing and Food Policies

3.1       Hotel accommodations at reasonably moderate rates should be chosen.

3.2       When two BANA participants share a room, BANA will reimburse each individual at half of the double room rate. [Each BANA participant must submit a hotel receipt.]  When a BANA participant has a room by him/herself or shares a room with a non-BANA participant, reimbursement will be at the single room rate.

3.3       If a BANA committee meeting is piggybacked on a meeting of another organization, a person attending both meetings will be reimbursed by BANA only for housing and food expenses incurred during the additional time spent on BANA business.

3.4       A per diem rate is not set. Reasonable food costs only will be considered appropriate.

3.5       BANA does not reimburse for personal phone calls, alcoholic beverages, or entertainment.

4.0       Procedure for Requesting and Receiving Reimbursement

4.1       Receipts are required for general expenses, hotel accommodations, all travel tickets, and for meals, tolls, and parking fees when practical.

4.2       When submitting an expense voucher to BANA, a BANA expense voucher form and all necessary receipts must be mailed or emailed to the committee chair no later than four weeks after the close of the meeting. Scanned copies of receipts and an electronic copy of the expense voucher form may be sent via email to the appropriate chair.

4.3       The chair of the responsible committee shall check, initial, and forward the voucher and receipts to the chair of BANA for approval and forwarding to the treasurer. If the documents are submitted electronically via email, the chairs will indicate their approval in the body of the email message.

4.4       BANA will reimburse for approved expenses within four weeks after receipt of the voucher by the chair of BANA. Under special circumstances, a reasonable travel advance may be requested. A written request must be received by the chairman of BANA five weeks prior to departure date.

4.5       Any unusual circumstances to be considered on an individual basis require approval by the chair of BANA.


5.0       Instructions for Preparation of Voucher

5.1       Read Policies and Procedures.

5.2       Write your name as you wish it to appear on reimbursement check.

5.3       Enter the date you prepared voucher.

5.4       Write address to which the check is to be mailed.

5.5       Be sure to indicate the office or committee that is involved.

5.6       Submit voucher and receipts to Committee Chair. (Board members submit vouchers directly to Chair.)

5.7       Reimbursement is made for documented expenses only. Attach all receipts.

5.8       Send to committee chair no later than four weeks after expense is incurred.

5.9       Attach explanation of unusual expenses.

5.10     Be sure to sign the voucher.


BANA Travel Expense Reimbursement Report

Name and Address:






Travel Dates:



BANA Committee:



































































Public Transport









Personal Auto         Miles Driven









Reimbursement           @ fed rate/mile









Car Rental









Taxi or Limo





































Telephone charges



















Destination & purpose of: trip














Amount Advanced



Total Expenses




Ctte Chair Approval:



BANA Chair Approval:



Reimbursement date:






Appendix D: Model Appointment Letter






It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the               Technical Committee. You will be contacted soon by                 , the chair of your committee.              is the Board member who serves as liaison to your committee.


Each BANA committee conducts its work through "charges" from the BANA Board. The current charge(s) for your committee include:





The BANA bylaws and policies that impact on the functioning of technical committees are summarized and attached. You have been added to the electronic mail list for your committee, and your name and contact information will be added to the BANA Directory.


Thank you for your willingness to share your braille expertise and time to work with BANA. If I can be of any assistance to you in your role as a technical committee member, please feel free to contact me.







                                                                                                Name, Chair

                                                                                                Braille Authority of North America



Appendix E: Committee Reporting Outline

Season and Year

As a BANA committee chair, you are responsible for your committee’s semiannual reports to the BANA Board. The BANA Board encourages you to involve the members of your committee in constructing the report and to provide them with a copy of the final report. This season meeting will be held date. We will need your completed report by date.


Please submit your committee’s report using the form that is e-mailed to you. When your report has been completed and approved by your committee, email it to your committee’s BANA Board Liaison, if one has been appointed. If your committee does not have a liaison to the BANA Board, email your report to the BANA chair at chair@brailleauthority.organd administrative assistant email address unless directed otherwise. Please submit your report by the established deadline. Board Liaisons to technical committees will e-mail the report to the BANA-tech listserv, which includes all BANA Board members and other technical committee chairs. The chairs of Board committees and general committees will email the final report to the BANA Board listserv.


Please help us maintain accurate records of progress on committee charges by providing both narrative reports of committee work on each charge as well as the disposition, which records the status of each charge.


In the narrative section following each charge, indicate progress during the previous term and outline the plan of work for the upcoming term. Please attach examples, materials, and documents that will provide relevant information for the BANA Board to consider.


Each charge has a section titled “Disposition.” This indicates the official status of the charge shown in BANA records. Please do not change the Disposition on the report shell you receive. The Board will consider each charge and determine the appropriate status based on the information provided in your report.


If your committee wishes to request input or action from the BANA Board concerning a charge, please provide details and a specific request to that effect in the narrative.


If your committee wishes to request that the BANA Board consider a change to a charge’s disposition, please indicate this request in the narrative for that charge.




#, date and description of the charge

See status descriptions below


The disposition options for committee charges are listed below. Please refer to these notations in your request for a change of disposition:


Status                   Disposition

TBA                       Work on this charge has not begun. It is still a valid charge. The committee has yet to address it.

Ongoing               The committee is working on this charge. Progress is detailed in the report’s narrative section.

Waiting                 This committee has done all that it can on this charge and has submitted the results to the Board for approval. 

Done                     From the standpoint of the committee, the charge is complete. No more work must be done. The committee requests that the Board remove it from the list.

                               [NOTE: If a charge pertains to a clarification or revision to a rule or code, do not recommend this disposition until the Board has approved the work.]

Discard                 The charge is old, incomplete, or no longer applicable to the work at hand. The committee requests that BANA rescind the charge.

BANA Approval Requested:

List all items that require BANA approval. This should include changes that have gone through the review process (e.g., rule or guideline) or that are ready for the BANA Board to consider for a final vote. Attach the exact wording of the rule or guideline along with appropriate documentation and examples supporting the proposed change. Contact your Board Liaison if you have questions.

Budget (Annual Meeting – FALL ONLY)

For the fall meeting of the BANA Board, list requests for funds that your committee will need for the next calendar year. This may include expenses such as teleconferences, postage, supplies, travel. The request for funds should support your proposed plan for the upcoming year, and the reasons for your request should be reflected in the charge narratives.

New Assignments Requested:

If your committee wishes to initiate a new project, provide an explanation of the requested assignment and state a request that the BANA Board issue a new charge to that effect.

Appointment or Reappointment of Committee Members and Consultants (Routine appointments are made at the Annual Meeting –FALL ONLY)

The committee may recommend the reappointment of a committee member who is making a satisfactory contribution to the work of the committee and whose two-year term expires at the end of the calendar year.


If a committee member has expressed the intent to resign and a replacement needs to be appointed, please indicate this. After discussion with the committee’s Board Liaison, the committee may recommend the appointment of a new member to fill the unexpired term of a retiring member or for a new two-year term.


The committee may recommend the appointment of a consultant who has a specific area of expertise that is needed to complete the work of the committee, but which is not offered by current committee members. Consultants are appointed on a pro tem basis.


Should a vacancy occur during the year, a replacement may be appointed by the Board after consultation with the chair and, where appropriate, the liaison.


This section will contain the members of the current committee and will be shown on the report shell you receive.


Attachments: Rulings by Committee:

List all reports, rulings, interpretations, and clarifications made by your committee since the last report.


List questions posed to your committee and responses given in your official capacity as a BANA committee chair person or committee member. Below the section heading are two subsections titled Recommended for Posting to BANA Website and NOT Recommended for Posting to BANA Website. Questions and responses will be considered by the BANA Board and if approved will be placed on the BANA website under the heading “BANA Responds.”


Questions and responses appropriate for the website include the following:

  • those that arise frequently
  • those that provide instructional or interpretive explanations for the use of any code rules
  • those that provide guidance on the use of any obscure or particularly difficult code concept
  • those that explain code sections that generate repeated questions due to their complexity
  • those providing clarification of existing rules or guidelines
  • those that clarify terminology or the language used in the official references


Those responses not suitable for the website include:

  • simple references to or restatements of material that is readily available in the official references
  • questions not yet answered because a response has been requested from another BANA technical committee or from the International Council on English Braille
  • those that raise issues not covered in existing rules or guidelines


Report of the Committee



Charge and date


Charge is listed here.

Disposition is listed here.

  • Report Narrative:

[Text of narrative filled in by committee chair]

Charge and date


Charge is listed here.

Disposition is listed here.

  • Report Narrative:

Charge and date


. Charge is listed here.

Disposition is listed here.

  • Report Narrative:

Charge and date


Charge is listed here.

Disposition is listed here.

  • Report Narrative:
  • BANA Approval Requested:
  • New Assignments Requested:

Budget (Fall Only:


Appointment or Reappointment of Committee Members and Consultants (Routine appointments are made at the Annual Meeting—Fall Only):

Attachments: Rulings by Committee:

Recommended for Posting to BANA Website

NOT Recommended for Posting to BANA Website




Appendix F: Model Cover Letter for Review of Code and Guideline Changes/Revisions







To the Technical Committee Chairs and Members:


The BANA Board would like to thank you for your assistance in reviewing the enclosed document. This document was prepared by the        Technical Committee. It proposes changes to the         code.

 We would also like to remind you that this material is a draft and should be viewed only by the Board and technical committee members. As this is a draft proposal, you understand the need to keep this information confidential. This document should not be shared in part or whole with anyone who is not currently serving on the BANA Board or one of the Board's technical committees.


Please review the document, as directed in BANA policy to assure that the revision does not create any unresolvable conflict with your code or unnecessary difficulties in production, sending comments and questions to your technical committee chair by         [date].  The technical committee chairs should submit any comments or questions to        [name] the chair of the         Technical Committee by             [date].


Once again, our thanks to you for all the work you have committed to this and many other BANA projects. 





Name, Chair

Braille Authority of North America



Appendix G
BANA's Administrative Assistant
Position Description

Provisional description-duties as described may change.

Unpaid volunteer position, reporting to and serving at the discretion of the BANA chairperson.


Responsibilities and duties

Assisting the board:

  • Maintain the list of charges to committees and their statuses
  • Maintain and update the BANA directory and listservs
  • Maintain organization and security of BANA's Dropbox folders
  • Work closely with digital assets committee (and treasurer as needed) to administer accounts (Zoom, Pantheon, Dropbox, Google Forms, and others as needed)
  • Provide assistance with updating BANA's web site



  • In conjunction with publications committee, finalize public relations documents and brochures
  • Receive and process email from BANA's general-information address
  • Assist with preparation of correspondence such as certificates of appreciation, thank-yous, appointment letters, dues notifications


Meeting responsibilities:

  • Distribute report templates to all committee chairs in preparation for semiannual face-to-face meetings (see Policies §5.3.3 and Appendix E)
  • Distribute quarterly "project status report" templates to board liaisons for committees in which applicable projects are underway (see BANA Policies § and Appendix E)
  • Prepare print and braille files of board meeting packet with reports
  • Provide meeting packet files to organization hosting face-to-face meeting, for printing and embossing by host organization
  • Attend meetings (expenses paid by BANA)
  • Take notes at meetings as backup for secretary
  • Schedule and distribute links for virtual meetings of the board and committees as needed

Additional duties as required



  • Proficiency in word processing and use of spreadsheets
  • Proficiency in braille transcription (NLS or CNIB certification preferred)
  • Access to necessary hardware and software
  • Access to email and Dropbox
  • Well organized
  • Self-starter, able to work with minimal supervision


Time Commitment:

Hours will vary; increased time commitments in preparation for meetings and with other seasonal tasks.





BANA’s Dropbox File and Folder Protocols


[A copy of this document should be kept in the main Dropbox folder.]

The term “edit” in this document means “to add, delete, or move files and folders.”

All BANA documents are maintained in a centralized Dropbox account. The account is managed by the BANA administrative assistant. The account credentials are known by at least one other person (i.e., board treasurer and/or other designees).

Categories of Folders, Overview

Bana Board

BANA working folders for committees

BANA officers (treasurer, chair, others as needed

BANA Publications, Master files

BANA Web site, files

Archived Files

Review manuscript files

The categories are based on method of access, and who can access them, as delineated below:

BANA Board:

This is one folder, containing subfolders as needed.

Type: Storage

Contents: Current documents and materials needed by the board (governing documents, meeting packets/committee reports, minutes, to-do lists, press releases, directory, meeting recordings kept temporarily, etc.); organized into subfolders.

Access, Who Can Edit: Only the administrative assistant and/or other designees determined by the board or board chair can add, delete, or move files and folders.

Access, Who Can View: Only board representatives will access this folder, via a link to the folder and a password. The password to this folder is changed by the BANA administrative assistant at the beginning of each calendar year, and the new password sent to BANA-l. Board representatives can view files and folders online or can download them to a device. Folders are not shared to sync with individuals’ Dropbox folders except as needed by the administrative assistant or designees.

BANA working folders for committees

Folders in this category are set up as needed for committees, if the committee decides that their work can best be facilitated through the use of a shared Dropbox folder.

Type: Working

Contents: These folders contain working documents used by committees as they prepare BANA publications or complete other charges.

Access, Who Can Edit: Committee members are invited, via their own email addresses, to edit their specific committee folder. BANA administrative assistant/designees also have access.

Access, Who Can View: Same as can edit.

BANA Publications, Master Files

This is one folder, containing subfolders for the various publications.

Type: Storage

Contents: 1) The final PDF, BRF, HTML, or other final versions of publications; 2) the intermediate files (Docx, Dxp/Dxb, associated image files, etc.) that are used to generate the final files and retained for use if updates are needed.

Access, Who Can Edit: BANA administrative assistant, Board chair, Publications chair (but no one should make changes to any of the files in this folder)

Access, Who Can View: Same as can edit

BANA officers and Administrative Assistant

There is one folder each for the BANA chair, BANA treasurer, and others as needed, with subfolders.

Type: Working

Contents: Documents/materials needed by the officer, especially those to be passed on when officer transition occurs.

Access, Who Can Edit: The officer and the BANA administrative assistant are invited to the specific officer’s shared folder via their email addresses.

Access, Who Can View: Same as can edit.

BANA Web site, files

This is one folder with subfolders as needed and is primarily a working folder for those doing the editing of the web site.

Type: Storage

Contents: This is for files of publications, press releases, and other BDF, BRF, or Word docs that have been uploaded to the Web site; this is a backup copy of all that. It is not a backup of the entire Web site; that backup is housed on the Pantheon server.

Access, Who Can Edit: BANA administrative assistant/designees, Web maintainer

Access, Who Can View: Same as can edit.

Archived Files

This is one folder containing subfolders as needed.

Type: Storage

Contents: older versions of materials that may be out-of-date or not used but should be kept. Some of the subfolders mirror those in the “board” folder but contain older versions of the current board documents.

Access, Who Can Edit: BANA administrative assistant/designees

Access, Who Can View: Same as can edit

Transferring Existing Folders (Interim)

In August 2022, many committees are utilizing existing Dropbox folders owned by the committee chair or liaison or a member. When it becomes appropriate to move the contents of such folders to a BANA-owned folder (perhaps not right while the committee is in the thick of finalizing a years-long project), here is a suggested procedure for doing so, to reduce both the risk of lost files and the anxiety of all concerned.

The BANA administrative assistant creates a new folder on BANA’s Dropbox and invites all committee members to edit.

Once it is determined who will move the files, that person will join the folder and be sure it is downloaded to her computer.

The committee should agree on a date and time that the transfer will occur, so that no one has any of the documents open at that time.

At the agreed-upon time, the designated transferrer copies and pastes (NOT cut and paste) all of the contents of the committee folder to the new BANA folder.

Within an agreed-upon time frame, all other committee members should then make sure they have joined the folder, that it has downloaded to their computer as desire, and that everything they had from the old folder appears in the new.

Only after all committee members have indicated success in accessing everything should the old folder with its contents be deleted.