BANA Member Organizations and Their Representatives to the BANA Board
Full Members
- Alternate Text Production Center of the California Community Colleges (ATPC): Marie Zaldivar
- American Council of the Blind: Judy Dixon
- American Foundation for the Blind: Frances Mary D'Andrea
- American Printing House for the Blind: Kyle DeJute
- Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired: Mary Nelle McLennan
- California Transcribers and Educators for the Blind and Visually Impaired: Tracy Gaines
- CIDI (Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation): Hollie Knight
- Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired: Tina Seger
- CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind): Jen Goulden
- Hadley: Danette Johnson
- National Braille Association: Diane Spence
- National Braille Press: Georgie Syndor
- National Federation of the Blind: Jennifer Dunnam
- National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled: Amber Pearcy
- Perkins School for the Blind: Wendy Buckley
Associate Members
- Allyant: Aquinas Pather
- Council of Schools and Services for the Blind (COSSB): Emily Coleman
- Crawford Technologies: Holly Bullock
- Educational Center for the Blind and Disabled of Puerto Rico: Ana Marqués
- Horizons for the Blind: TBA
BANA Board Officers
BANA Board Officers
- Jen Goulden, Chair
- Wendy Buckley, Vice-Chair
- Amber Pearcy, Secretary
- Danette Johnson, Treasurer
BANA Board Committees
BANA Appointments Committee
- Tracy Gaines, Chair
- Kyle DeJute
- Amber Pearcy
BANA Archives Committee
- Frances Mary D'Andrea, Chair
- Jennifer Dunnam
- Judy Dixon
Bylaws Committee
- Jennifer Dunnam, Chair
- Jennifer Goulden
- Mary Nelle McLennan
- Sue Reilly, Admin Assistant
Membership Committee
- , Chair
- Judy Dixon
- Tracy Gaines
Nominating Committee
- Frances Mary D'Andrea, Chair
- Judy Dixon
- Diane Spence
Outreach Committee
- Marie Zaldivar, Chair
- Jen Goulden (Liaison to Publications Committee)
- Judy Dixon
- Tracy Gaines
- Amber Pearcy
- Sue Reilly, Admin Assistant
BANA Task Forces
- Judy Dixon, Chair
- Jen Goulden
- Sue Reilly
Board Orientation Task Force
- Jennifer Dunnam
- Mary Nelle McLennan
- Tina Seger
BANA Administrative Assistant
- Sue Reilly
BANA Registered Agent
- InCorp
Washington, DC
BANA General Committees
Awards Committee
- Frances Mary D'Andrea, Chair
- Judy Dixon
- Amber Pearcy
- Darleen Bogart
- Dawn Gross
General Committee on Digital Assets
- Sue Reilly, Chair
- Jennifer Dunnam
- Jen Goulden
- Mary Nelle McLennan
- Tina Seger
General Committee on Electronic Braille Translation
- Jen Goulden, Chair
- Judy Dixon
- Jennifer Dunnam
General Committee on Languages Other Than English
- Jen Goulden, Chair
- Jennifer Dunnam
- Sarah LaRose
General Committee on Review Process
- Kyle DeJute, Chair
- Frances Mary D'Andrea
- Jen Goulden
- Diane Spence
General Committee on Unified English Braille
- Wendy Buckley, Chair
- Darleen Bogart
- Callie Brusegaard
- Frances Mary D'Andrea
- Kyle DeJute
- Jennifer Dunnam
- Jen Goulden
Publications Committee
- Mary Nelle McLennan, Co-Chair
- Jen Goulden Co-Chair
- Patricia D'Ascenzo
- Holly Bullock
- Brenda Loughrey
- Tina Seger
- Jackie Sheridan Witterschein
BANA Technical and Ad Hoc Committees
Braille Formats Technical Committee
- Cindi Laurent, Chair (2026)
- Hollie Knight, Board Liaison
- Diana Brent (2026)
- Bre Brown (2025)
- Randy Davis (2025)
- Tina Herzberg (2026)
- Charles Mize (2026)
Music Braille Technical Committee
- Jenny Wheeler, Chair (2026)
- Hollie Knight, Board Liaison
- Melinda Hudson (2025)
- Bill McCann (2025)
- Stephanie Pieck (2026)
- Ka Kit Tam (2026)
Nemeth Code Technical Committee
- Dawn Gross, Chair (2026)
- Jennifer Dunnam, Board Liaison
- Mary Denault (2025)
- Cindi Laurent (2026)
- Allison O'Day (2025)
- Susan Osterhaus (2025)
- Caryn Navy, Consultant
- Jacquie Walker, Consultant
- Lindy Walton, Consultant
Tactile Graphics Technical Committee
- Aquinas Pather, Chair (2025)
- Diane Spence, Board Liaison
- Betty Marshall (2026)
- Allison O'Day (2025)
- Susan Osterhaus (2026)
- Janet Milbury, Consultant
Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling
- Kim Charlson, Chair
- Debbie Gillespie, Co-chair
- Jen Goulden, Board Liaison
- Wendy Buckley
- Walter Childs
- Judy Dixon
- Miriam Dixon
- Gene Lozano, Consultant
Ad Hoc Committee on Chemistry
- Cary Supalo, Chair
- Frances Mary D'Andrea, Board Liaison
- Kristin Parker
- Lindy Walton
- Greg Williams
- Susanne Lewis, Consultant
Ad Hoc Committee on Standardized Tests
- Kyle DeJute, Co-Chair
- Frances Mary D'Andrea Co-Chair
- Sara Larkin
- Cristin Lockwood
- Betty Marshall
- Allison O'Day
- Katherine Padgett
- Diane Spence, Consultant
BANA Representatives to ICEB Committees
US Representative
- Callie Brusegaard
Canada Representative
- Jen Goulden
Code Maintenance Committee
- Jennifer Dunnam, US
- Jen Goulden, Canada
Music Committee
- Bill McCann, US
- Nichole Robertson, Canada
Public Relations
- Sue Reilly, US
- Kim Kilpatrick, Canada
Braille Technology Committee
- Willow Free, US
- Anthony Tibbs, Canada
Research Committee
- Frances Mary D'Andrea, US
- Natalie Martiniello, Canada
Technical Guidelines
- Don Winiecki, US
- Michele Hayes, Canada
BANA Representative to DAISY Consortium eBRF Working Group
- Jen Goulden
Associate Members
- Allyant: Aquinas Pather
- Council of Schools and Services for the Blind (COSSB): Emily Coleman
- Crawford Technologies: Holly Bullock
- Educational Center for the Blind and Disabled of Puerto Rico: Ana Marqués
- Horizons: TBD