Braille Authority of North America Spring Meeting 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday, April 12, 2013, 9:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 13, 2013, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Open Forum, 10:30 a.m.-12 noon)

Hosted by
The National Library Service
for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress
Meeting in Washington, D.C.


1. Call to Order: Frances Mary D'Andrea

Chair Frances Mary D'Andrea called the meeting to order at approximately 8:30 AM.

2. Welcome from National Library Service

Karen Keninger, director of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, welcomed the BANA board to DC. She discussed the Braille Summit which will be sponsored by NLS and held at the Perkins School for the Blind in June. NLS is taking a look at its braille programs to ensure that they are meeting the needs of those who use braille.

3. Seating of BANA members

At this meeting, Paul Edwards served as the representative from the American Council of the Blind. He introduced himself and briefly described his extensive background in the braille field.

4. Self-Introductions: Representatives and Observers

BANA board representatives in attendance:

  • Frances Mary (FM) D'Andrea, American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), Chair
  • Mary Nelle McLennan, American Printing House for the Blind (APH), Vice Chair
  • Jennifer Dunnam, National Federation of the Blind (NFB), Secretary
  • Susan (Sue) Reilly, California Transcribers and Educators for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CTEBVI), Treasurer
  • Judith (Judy) Dixon, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress (NLS), Immediate Past Chair
  • Paul Edwards, American Council of the Blind (ACB)
  • Diane Wormsley, Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER)
  • Barbara Finkelstein, Associated Services for the Blind (ASB)
  • Sandy Greenberg, Alternate Text Production Center (ATPC)
  • Nancy Niebrugge, Braille Institute of America (BIA)
  • Kim McEachirn, Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CCBVI)
  • Darleen Bogart, CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind)
  • Maryann Bartkowski, Horizons For The Blind
  • Cindi Laurent, National Braille Association (NBA)
  • Jackie Sheridan, National Braille Press (NBP)

Special invited Guest: Pete Osborne, Chair of the International Council on English Braille (ICEB) and of the World Braille Council (WBC)

Joanna Venneri attended in her role as administrative assistant.

Aquinas Pather (Quality Assurance, Tactile Graphics Design and Braille Transcription Specialist at T-Base Communications and Chair of BANA's Tactile Graphics Committee)
Debbie Brown
Helen Meadows
Peggy Schuetz

5. Meeting Arrangements: Judy Dixon

Judy Dixon discussed meeting arrangements. She also recognized Alice Baker O'Reilly, assistant to the chief of materials development at the Library of Congress, who assisted with meeting arrangements.

6. Board's Liability Statement: Jennifer Dunnam

Jennifer Dunnam, BANA Secretary, read the following statement: "BANA indemnifies its Officers and Board of Directors and holds them harmless from all claims of every kind, including court expenses, attorneys' fees, and the claimed amount arising from the performance of their duties as Officers and Directors except for their own acts of dishonesty and gross negligence." (Adopted March 30, 1987)

Chair Frances Mary D'Andrea acknowledged the passing in February of Martha Pamperin, who had served as chair of the BANA literary committee for many years. Frances Mary sent a letter to Martha's family on BANA's behalf.

7. Agenda Approval: Frances Mary D'Andrea

The membership committee report was added to the agenda (reflected in these minutes as #40).

8. Bylaws Committee: Darleen Bogart

Darleen Bogart, chair of the Bylaws Committee, read the report, which is on file.

The drafts of the amended bylaws and policies were discussed extensively, and further amendments were made as follows:

MSC Paul Edwards moved and Diane Wormsley seconded the motion to approve the amendment to the second bullet point in Bylaws 3.1.1. The motion passed unanimously.

[Amended language regarding board member expectations: "To actively participate in the on-going work of BANA between board meetings for a full three-year term".]

MSC Maryann Bartkowski moved and Diane Wormsley seconded the motion that the amendment to Bylaws 6.1 regarding committee liaisons be approved. The motion passed unanimously.

[Amended language: The BANA Chair shall appoint a BANA Board member as a liaison to each technical committee and to general and ad hoc committees as appropriate.]

MSC Diane Wormsley moved and Paul Edwards seconded the motion that the word "primarily" be added to Bylaws 6.2.1. The motion passed unanimously.

[Amended language: The committees will carry out their responsibilities primarily by using the BANA email list for the committee, by telephone conference call when necessary, and by other electronic means.]

MSC Diane Wormsley moved and Cindi Laurent seconded the motion that Section 7.1.4 regarding approval of new BANA members be added to the bylaws. The motion passed unanimously.

[Added language: 7.1.4 Approval of new BANA member organizations shall occur at a face-to-face meeting of the Board. Passage requires two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total board membership.]

MSC Cindi Laurent moved and Maryann Bartkowski seconded the motion that the last paragraph in Bylaws 3.1 be amended to indicate that new BANA members are approved at a face-to-face meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Judy Dixon moved and Sandy Greenberg seconded the motion that the bylaws as amended be approved. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Judy Dixon moved and Diane Wormsley seconded the motion to correct the name of the New Zealand Aotearoa Trust in the policies and the bylaws. The motion passed unanimously.

The update of the table of contents and record of changes for both of these documents will be handled after this meeting.

MSC Paul Edwards moved and Nancy Niebrugge seconded the motion to remove the words "at which a quorum is present" from 1.2 of the policies. The motion passed unanimously.

[Amended language: These Policies are guidelines for the implementation of the Bylaws. They may be changed, supplemented, or deleted by a two thirds (2/3) majority of the full Board.]

MSC Diane Wormsley moved and Mary Nelle McLennan seconded the motion that of the policies be amended regarding orientation materials and meeting attendance. The motion passed unanimously.

[Amended language: New full members will receive orientation materials. All full members will be included on all appropriate BANA listservs and therefore will have access to approved minutes, updated directories of member organizations and representatives, committee reports, bylaws, policies, and press releases; must attend meetings and participate in discussions.]

MSC Cindi Laurent moved and Paul Edwards seconded the motion that the word "ACB" in 3.5 of the policies be replaced with the words "BANA's Registered agent." The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Maryann Bartkowski moved and Sandy Greenberg seconded the motion that the word "BANA" be added to of the policies. The motion passed unanimously.

[Amended language: Approves final actions of all BANA committees.]

MSC Judy Dixon moved and Cindi Laurent seconded the motion that a #6 be added to Appendix C of the policies, under "Housing and Food Policies," indicating that BANA will reimburse committee members for the cost of internet expenses. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Darleen Bogart moved and Mary Nelle McLennan seconded the motion that the policies document be approved as amended. The motion passed unanimously.
The following actions were taken on charges #156, #167, #170, #207, #208, #209, and #212.

MSC Diane Wormsley moved and Maryann Bartkowski seconded the motion that charges #156, #167, #170, #207, #208, #209, and #212 be declared done. The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge #156 (4/13/2007) Review the names of technical committees and to make them consistent and descriptive.]

[Charge #167 (11/15/07) Look at streamlining the appointment process and defining the role of associate members of BANA.]

[Charge #170 (11/15/07) Review the e-mail voting process as it relates to timelines.]

[Charge #207 (4/2/2011) Consider broadening the membership categories of BANA in order to attract a variety of members in different levels of support categories.]

[Charge #208 (4/2/2011) Review and revise the membership application requirements outlined in the bylaws and policies.]

[Charge #209 (4/2/2011) Revise the policies with regard to the procedures and timelines for code change review and approval.]

[Charge #212 (11/5/2011) Do a thorough review towards possible revision of bylaws and policies.]

MSC Darleen Bogart moved and Diane Wormsley seconded the motion that the Bylaws Committee be charged to find an appropriate location to reference the review process for code change in the BANA policies. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Darleen Bogart moved and Judy Dixon seconded the motion that committee chairs be asked to present their board reports by teleconference or other electronic means when possible during board meetings. The motion passed unanimously.

The recommendation on publications will be discussed under the Publications Committee.

MSC Judy Dixon moved and Paul Edwards seconded the motion that the Appointments Committee be charged to develop a process to manage the appointments of committee members. The motion passed unanimously.

This new committee will consist of Judy Dixon, Paul Edwards, and Mary Nelle McLennan and will also include two members of the general public.

9. UEB Task Force: Frances Mary D'Andrea

Frances Mary D'Andrea, chair of the task force, read the report, which is on file.

The task force held a face-to-face meeting on April 10 to discuss the UEB transition forum and related items. The UEB transition forum will occur October 16 and be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Printing House for the Blind.

Jennifer Dunnam reviewed the task force's discussions regarding UEB with Nemeth code.

MSC Jennifer Dunnam moved and Cindi Laurent seconded the motion that the BANA board request that the International Council on English Braille adopt dots 456, 146 as a specific indicator for switching from UEB to Nemeth code. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Jennifer Dunnam moved and Sandy Greenberg seconded the motion that BANA establish a task force to make specific recommendations regarding transcriptions of material in Nemeth code incorporating UEB. The motion passed unanimously.

Discussion ensued about the various issues that will be considered in the implementation plan and covered at the transition forum.

The central procurement and delivery system for education systems will be a particularly challenging aspect of implementation. The availability of a critical mass of material in UEB will also need to be built into the timeline. Not all of the phases are equal. Also, finances will be a significant factor in implementation. Ideas for finding cost-effective ways of doing training, such as through the use of technology, will be sought. Darleen Bogart indicated that all are certainly welcome to use Canada's training material until the material for the U.S. is ready. Currently all new books created for the CNIB library are transcribed in UEB.

An ICEB committee has been established to look at possibilities of cross country certification.

Literacy foundations were suggested as possible sources for funding.

The following action was taken on charge #233:

MSC Cindi Laurent moved and Mary Nelle McLennan seconded the motion to change the disposition of charge #233 from TBA to Ongoing. The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge #233 (11/3/2012) establish a BANA UEB task force, with members to be appointed by the BANA chair, to identify the initial steps to be taken for the development of an implementation plan.]

10. Outreach Committee: Judy Dixon

Judy Dixon, chair of the committee, read the report, which is on file.

The following action was taken on charge #231:

MSC Judy Dixon moved and Mary Ann Bartkowski seconded the motion that charge #231 be discarded. The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge #231 (11/4/2012) Craft and revise the definition of braille and braille literacy on Wikipedia.]

MSC Judy Dixon moved and Darleen Bogart seconded the motion that Nancy Niebrugge be appointed to the Outreach Committee. The motion passed unanimously.

11. Publications Committee: Mary Nelle McLennan

Mary Nelle McLennan, chair of the Publications Committee, read the report, which is on file.

A few days ago, the American Printing House for the Blind issued the price of the braille version of the tactile graphics manual, which is priced at $109.00.

The issue raised in the committee report regarding the knit and crochet guidelines document has been resolved.

MSC Judy Dixon moved and Paul Edwards seconded the motion that the Publications Committee no longer include a liaison and that Jackie Sheridan be appointed as a committee member. The motion passed unanimously.

Judy was thanked for her service as board liaison.

GC The terms indicated for the members of the Publications Committee are now eliminated, and this committee will operate according to the bylaws provisions regarding general committees.

Extensive discussion occurred about BANA's social media, the comment box on the website, and getting the word out in general. It was decided to leave the website under the purview of the Publications Committee and to leave the social media coordination to the Outreach Committee.

The meeting was recessed at 5:00 p.m. and reconvened on Friday morning.

12. Tactile Graphics Technical Committee: Aquinas Pather

Aquinas Pather, chair of the committee, read the report, which is on file.

In addition to the questions attached to the report, the committee received and responded to a question from India regarding guidelines for raised line drawings.

The braille tactile graphics guidelines manual has been priced at $109, and the braille version of the supplement is almost complete.

A question was raised as to how the new rulings and clarifications on tactile graphics will be distributed. The issue is relevant to more than just tactile graphics—there will be updates to Formats and other publications. This will be discussed later in the meeting following the reports of the other affected technical committees.

xxx Mary Nelle McLennan commended the stellar leadership and work of Aquinas Pather, chair of the committee.

Pete Osborne indicated that in the UK they are considering the use of these tactile graphics guidelines.

Aquinas will be presenting at the tactile graphics symposium this weekend in Baltimore at the NFB.

MSC Mary Nelle McLennan moved and Jennifer Dunnam seconded the motion that the Tactile Graphics Technical Committee be charged to consider and document changes that will need to be made in order for the tactile graphics guidelines to align with Braille Formats 2011 and UEB. The motion passed unanimously.

14. Braille Formats Technical Committee: Lynnette Taylor

In the interest of time, the Formats report was placed in the agenda before the foreign language committee report.

Cindi Laurent, board liaison to the committee, read the report, which is on file.

In addition to the changes listed in the report, which are editorial changes and clarifications of existing content to be included in an errata, another list was distributed to BANA board members just prior to the meeting. This second list contains seven proposed changes in content.

MSC Cindi Laurent moved and Sandy Greenberg seconded the motion that the errata in the list that was attached to the committee report, which includes basic clarifications and error corrections, be incorporated into the Formats document before it is printed by the American Printing House for the Blind. The motion passed unanimously.

A list of these errors and clarifications will be sent to the Publications Committee to be used to make adjustments to the document. Another version of these errata will be prepared by the Publications Committee for dissemination to the public. A standardized form for errata should be considered.

MSC Cindi Laurent moved and Jennifer Dunnam seconded the motion that the seven proposed changes to the Formats guidelines be distributed to the technical committees for review. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Cindi Laurent moved and Maryann Bartkowski seconded the motion that the Formats Committee be charged to consider and document changes that will need to be made in order for the Formats guidelines to be brought into alignment with UEB. The motion passed unanimously.

13. Ad Hoc Committee on Foreign Language Materials: Ann Kelt

In the absence of Kim Charlson, board liaison to the committee, Frances Mary D'Andrea summarized the report, which is on file. The committee was again commended for all of the work that has been put into the foreign language guidelines.

A long discussion occurred on how to proceed with these guidelines in light of the adoption of UEB. The document has already gone through review by the technical committees. The next step in production of this manuscript would be the copy editing, followed by board review.

Pete Osborne indicated that ICEB would be willing to review the manuscript to determine what input it might provide into the ongoing international conversation about dealing with the issue of foreign languages in UEB.

MSC Paul Edwards moved and Darleen Bogart seconded the motion that the current version of the foreign language guidelines manuscript be sent to ICEB's task force to be reviewed by ICEB in time for the fall 2013 BANA meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

The document will take some time and work to get ready for copyediting and review.

MSC Paul Edwards moved and Jennifer Dunnam seconded the motion that the board authorize copyediting and board review for the current foreign language guidelines manuscript at this time, and that the results of the ICEB review be considered before any further steps are taken.
Voting yes: D'Andrea (AFB); Dunnam (NFB); Edwards (ACB); Finkelstein (ASB); Greenberg (ATPC); Laurent (NBA); McEachirn (CCBVI); McLennan (APH); Niebrugge (BIA); Reilly (CTEBVI); Sheridan (NBP); Wormsley (AER).
Voting no: Bartkowski (Horizons for the Blind); Bogart (CNIB); Dixon (NLS).

Pete Osborne indicated that he is delighted that BANA has suggested that ICEB review the manuscript and that such a review is absolutely in the spirit of international cooperation.

MSC Darleen Bogart moved and Diane Wormsley seconded the motion that the Ad Hoc Committee on Foreign Language be charged to consider and document the changes that will need to be made in order for the foreign language guidelines to be brought into alignment with UEB. The motion passed unanimously.

The chair of BANA will contact Ann Kelt to discuss future membership of the committee.

The meeting was recessed for lunch.

40. Report of the Membership Committee

After lunch, the board went into an in-camera session to discuss applications for membership to BANA.

MSC Judy Dixon moved and Darleen Bogart seconded the motion that the board accept the Council of Schools for the Blind (COSB) as a full member of BANA. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Judy Dixon moved and Diane Wormsley seconded the motion that the board accept Hadley School for the Blind as a full member of BANA. The motion passed unanimously.

The in-camera session came to a close. Observers rejoined the meeting and were informed about the two new members of BANA.

Next, Nancy Niebrugge reported on the activities of the group that was formed to explore the Friends of BANA idea (Sue Reilly, Nancy Niebrugge, and Jackie Sheridan). FM D'Andrea appointed this group, with the addition of Diane Wormsley, as a task force.

MSC Nancy Niebrugge moved and Jackie Sheridan seconded the motion that the Friends of BANA task force create a document that will delineate the benefits and criteria of being a "Friend of BANA." The motion passed unanimously.

15. Crafts and Hobbies Technical Committee: Camille Caffarelli

Maryann Bartkowski, board liaison to the committee, summarized the report, which is on file.

The committee requests that a print user who is an expert in chess be added to the committee. Nancy Niebrugge and Barbara Finkelstein both know someone who has this expertise and will send those names to Maryann to share with Camille.

The World Braille Council will be appointing a committee to develop international chess conventions.

Rebecca Blaevoet, chair of the Chair of the Braille Chess Association in the UK, will be added to the Crafts and Hobbies Committee.

16. Ad Hoc Committee on Standardized Tests: Diane Spence

Judy Dixon, board liaison to the committee, summarized the report, which is on file. Last fall the committee revised somewhat their proposed table of contents upon BANA's request; however, the Board still feels that the document contains too much material that is found in existing BANA guidelines, particularly in Formats and Tactile Graphics.

MSC Mary Nelle McLennan moved and Judy Dixon seconded the motion that the Standardized Test Committee revise and refocus the outline of the standardized testing guidelines to exclusively address the issues involved in transcribing standardized tests that are not addressed in Braille Formats 2011 and the Tactile Graphics Standards and Guidelines 2010; and that the re-focused outline be approved by the BANA board before the committee conducts a face-to-face meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

17. Ad Hoc Committee on Chemistry: Frances Mary D'Andrea

Frances Mary D'Andrea summarized the report, which is on file.

MSC Diane Wormsley moved and Maryann Bartkowski seconded the motion to appoint Cary Supalo as chair of the Chemistry Committee and to appoint Cheryl Wecels, Lindy Walton, Greg Williams, and David Wohllers as members of the Chemistry Committee. The motion passed unanimously.

FM will serve as the board liaison to the committee.

The following action was taken on charge #223:

GC The deadlines (that is, the words "by Fall of 2005") are removed from charge #223.

[Charge #223 (4/28/2012) Develop guidelines for producing the Periodic Table of Elements by reviewing the current methods of transcribing such material and recommending a standardized format by Fall of 2005.]

18. Ad Hoc Committee on Early Literacy Materials Production: Bonnie Read

Diane Wormsley, board liaison to the committee, summarized the report, which is on file.

A BRF file of the guidelines is available, and they are ready for technical review pending final approval by the ELMP Committee. A separate document containing examples needs updating and further discussion, so it was recommended to treat the guidelines and the examples as two separate pieces. The committee will meet soon to complete the guidelines.

19. Mathematics Braille Technical Committee: Dorothy Worthington

Cindi Laurent, board liaison to the committee, summarized the report, which is on file.

The following actions were taken on charges #174 and #200:

MSC Cindi Laurent moved and Sandy Greenberg seconded the motion that the BANA board accept the change to the wording of the Nemeth Code (regarding spacing of the copyright, trademark, and registered symbols) as proposed in the committee report. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Cindi Laurent moved and Sandy Greenberg seconded the motion that the disposition of charge #174 be changed to done. The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge #174 (5/15/2008) To prepare draft language for a rule based on the following issue raised in the committee report: When using the trademark, copyright, and registered symbols in mathematics transcriptions, in order to prevent confusion with superscripts, it is suggested that they be spaced away from words or numbers associated with them, regardless of the spacing shown in print, except on the title page which is done in literary code.]

MSC Cindi Laurent moved and Paul Edwards seconded the motion that the proposed addition to rule 14 section 86C of the Nemeth Code be approved. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Cindi Laurent moved and Sandy Greenberg seconded the motion to change the disposition of charge #200 to done. The motion passed unanimously.

[Charge #200 (10/30/2010) Devise a shortened form for underlining a single digit or letter.]

20. Music Braille Technical Committee: Larry Smith

Jennifer Dunnam, board liaison to the committee, summarized the report, which is on file.

The board expresses to the committee its continued commendation of their diligence and their letting us follow their deliberations on the listserve.

Paul Edwards mentioned that the Hadley School and the Carroll Center are working together to create an online braille music training course.

21. Computer Braille Technical Committee: Melissa Hirshson

No written report was submitted for this committee.

Correspondence was received pointing out an error in the example in the 2010 CBC update. Cindi Laurent and FM D'Andrea will discuss this and how to get it fixed.

22. Refreshable Braille Technical Committee: Caryn Navy

Jennifer Dunnam, board liaison to the committee, summarized the report, which is on file.

GC Regarding the question on braille in DAISY, the focus should be on dynamic refreshable braille.

The report indicates that the online user reporting form was divided to fit a ten-question limit in the venue. The venue is not limited this way, so the survey can be posted as originally approved.

23. Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Research: Diane Wormsley

Diane Wormsley, chair of the committee, summarized the report, which is on file.

MSC Diane Wormsley moved and Paul Edwards seconded the motion that the Research Committee be charged to collect and analyze data during during the UEB implementation process. This data may include, for example, demographic data on implementation and/or personnel preparation materials and implementation strategies. The motion passed unanimously.

MSC Diane Wormsley moved and Darleen Bogart seconded the motion that the Research Committee be charged to determine what baseline data are currently available regarding braille readers. The motion passed unanimously.

Discussion occurred about the role of the Research Committee in the board review process. Each document is different, and the process largely must be handled on a case-by-case. However, the following list of questions can act as a checklist and reduce the uncertainty and "scrambling" that can sometimes enter into the board review:

  • Who manages the whole board review process? Whose domain does this belong to?
  • Who determines the media needed for the board review?
  • Who produces the braille version, if needed?
  • Who manages the distribution of the review copies? Provides instructions, timeframe, deadlines, etc?
  • Who receives the Board's reviews and suggestions?
  • Who compiles the responses?
  • Who reviews the compiled reviews and determines which changes or corrections should be made to the manuscript?
  • Who prepares the corrections list for Publications Committee to follow?

Since the Research Committee already oversees and manages the technical review process, it makes sense for the committee also to conduct the board review.

MSC Diane Wormsley moved and Cindi Laurent seconded the motion that the Research Committee be charged to develop a board review process. The motion passed unanimously.

24. Ad Hoc Committee on Uncontracted Braille: Sue Reilly

Due to the adoption of UEB in November 2012, the committee felt that work on their charges may need to be postponed until further information regarding implementation is available.

MSC Judy Dixon moved and Jennifer Dunnam seconded the motion that the Committee on Uncontracted Braille be suspended for the time being. The motion passed unanimously.

25. Ad Hoc Committee on Braille Signage and Labeling: Kim Charlson

No written report was submitted for this committee. The braille signage brochure needs to be rewritten and updated. Mary Nelle McLennan offered to copyedit it once the revision is completed.

Kim Charlson was thanked for her service as chair.

MSC Maryann Bartkowski moved and Diane Wormsley seconded the motion to appoint Judy Dixon as chair of the Braille Signage Committee with Kim Charlson remaining as a member. The motion passed unanimously.

26. Ad Hoc Committee on English Braille American Edition: Jennifer Dunnam

Jennifer Dunnam, chair of the committee, summarized the report, which is on file.

27. BANA Awards Committee: Darleen Bogart

No written report was submitted for this committee. Darleen stated that everyone who served on the committee last time is willing to serve again. Plans are being made to give a BANA braille excellence award in the fall, possibly at the Getting in Touch with Literacy Conference in December.

28. Archives Committee: Frances Mary D'Andrea

Frances Mary D'Andrea, chair of the committee, summarized the report, which is on file.

Material will be submitted annually to the archives.

Judy Dixon indicated that sometimes questions arise about who served on committees in the past and when they served. She asked that anyone who has electronic versions of BANA directories from prior to 2007 should upload them to BANAFiles.

The meeting was recessed at 4:00 p.m. and resumed on Saturday at the Arlington Public Library in Arlington, VA. The open forum began at 10:30 and ended at noon. In addition to the BANA board members, twenty-six people—a mix of teachers, students, and other braille readers—attended the open forum.

The board meeting came to order again at 1:00 P.M.

The Bylaws committee had met briefly on Thursday evening to formulate a recommendation to respond to questions raised about the placement of information on committees within the bylaws and policies. The recommendation is to move most of the information about committees into the Policies (except the Nominations Committee), and now there is a cross reference to nominations in the policies.

Sue Reilly read the newly revised section of the bylaws about defining board committees.

MSC Darleen Bogart moved and Kim McEachirn seconded the motion that 6.3 of the bylaws as amended be approved. The motion passed unanimously.

[Amended language: 6.3 Board Committees
6.3.1 (4-83, 4-98, 11-98, 11-08) BANA shall maintain board committees. Each committee shall consist of at least three members all of whom shall be full current members of the BANA Board. The term of office for chairs and members of board committees shall be from January 1st through December 31st. Generally, appointment shall take place at the annual meeting. The committees will follow their terms of reference and carry out the specific charges given to them by the BANA Board. The committees will carry out their responsibilities using the BANA email list for the committee, telephone conference call when necessary, and other electronic means.

6.3.2 The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of BANA Officers to be presented at the next annual meeting. No member of the Nominating Committee shall have his/her name placed on the slate.]

MSC Darleen Bogart moved and Paul Edwards seconded the motion that section 5.6 of the BANA policies as amended be approved. The motion passed unanimously.

[Amended language: 5.6 Board Committees
BANA shall maintain the following as Board Committees: Archives, Bylaws, Membership, Nominations, Outreach, and Strategic Planning.

5.6.1 (new from Bylaws 6.3.6) The Archives Committee shall make recommendations on policies for, and oversee the maintenance of, the BANA archives. The chair of the committee shall liaise as necessary with the archivist at the American Printing House for the Blind where the BANA archives are housed. The Archives Committee shall create and maintain the definitive list of BANA committees and their members.

5.6.2 (4-83, 4-98 from Bylaws 6.3.3) The Bylaws Committee shall study all or portions of the BANA Bylaws and Policies, and their related documents. This committee will prepare and submit changes in these documents electronically, to the Board members no less than thirty days before the next meeting of the board.

5.6.3 (11-08 from Bylaws 6.3.5) The Membership Committee shall consider the applications for full and associate membership on the BANA Board. It shall make a recommendation on the membership to the Board based on the degree to which the applicant meets the BANA requirements for membership.

5.6.4 The function of the Nominating Committee can be found in Bylaws 6.3.2.

5.6.5 The Outreach Committee shall consist of a balance of members representing braille readers, educators and transcribers. It shall inform and solicit input on BANA activities and projects through publications and presentations. The Outreach Committee shall make all arrangements for BANA participation in Board-approved exhibits; maintain the trunk with exhibit materials; and arrange for shipping.

5.6.6 (new from Bylaws 6.3.7) The Strategic Planning Committee shall oversee the strategic planning process of the BANA Board as necessary and monitor progress towards the established goals.]

29. Secretary's Report: Jennifer Dunnam

Jennifer Dunnam moved and Kim Charlson seconded the motion that the minutes of the Fall 2012 BANA Board meeting be approved as corrected. The email voting deadline was March 4, 2013 at 5:00 PM Eastern.
Voting yes: Bartkowski (Horizons for the Blind); Bogart (CNIB); Charlson (ACB); Dixon (NLS); Dunnam (NFB); Finkelstein (ASB); Greenberg (ATPC); Laurent (NBA); Niebrugge (BIA); McLennan (APH); Reilly (CTEBVI); Sheridan (NBP); Wormsley (AER);
Not voting: McEachirn (CCBVI)
The motion carried.

Nancy Niebrugge moved and Maryann Bartkowski seconded the motion to approve the teleconference minutes from January 22, 2013. The deadline for voting was April 8 at 10:00 A.M.
Voting yes: Bartkowski (Horizons for the Blind); Bogart (CNIB); Charlson (ACB); Dixon (NLS); Dunnam (NFB); Finkelstein (ASB); Greenberg (ATPC); Laurent (NBA); McEachirn (CCBVI); McLennan (APH); Niebrugge (BIA); Reilly (CTEBVI); Sheridan (NBP).
Abstaining: Wormsley (AER)
The motion carried.

30. Treasurer's Report: Sue Reilly

The board reviewed the end of year financial statement for 2012 and the 2013 budget and year-to-date income and expenses.

Sue Reilly indicated that BANA's 2013 ICEB dues were paid in December 2012, so they are not reflected in the 2013 year-to-date expenses.

The UEB Task Force and the Appointments Committee will need new line items.

The Friends of BANA task force does not anticipate needing line item funds allocated this fiscal year. It will be chaired by Nancy Niebrugge.

MSC Judy Dixon moved and Darleen Bogart seconded the motion that $500 be budgeted for the UEB task force for the current fiscal year. After discussion the amount was amended to $3,500. The motion passed unanimously.

31. Certificates of Appreciation: Kim Charlson

Certificates will be sent to outgoing committee members.

32. Directory Update: Joanna Venneri

All are encouraged to check the directory for needed updates.

33. BANA Listservs: Kim Charlson

All are encouraged to review the list of listservs and bring any errors to the attention of the listserv administrator.

34. Press Releases: Mary Nelle McLennan

Items on upcoming press releases will include: the comment box, the prices and cataloging of the tactile graphics print and braille versions, and the new members.
Future press releases will include the errata list for formats and the UEB transition forum.

The Getting In Touch With Literacy conference in December will have a significant UEB focus and include a strong BANA presence.

There is a page on NLS's Web site with more information about the NLS Braille Summit to be held June 19-21, 2013.

36. Fall 2013 Meeting Dates: Mary Nelle McLennan

The meeting will occur November 8-10, 2013, and will go all day Friday and Saturday and part of the day on Sunday. It will take place at APH on Friday, and the hotel on Saturday and Sunday.

The Spring 2014 meeting will be scheduled for either the first or second weekend in April, 2014. Barbara Finkelstein will check with ASB and report back to the Board with proposed dates.

35. International Braille Organizations:

35.1 ICEB: Pete Osborne

Pete Osborne reported that ICEB is working on adopting an approach similar to BANA's about the use of charges, since BANA's method seems to be effective at keeping things on course.

The ICEB executive committee has voted to increase the fees from $500 to $1,000. They have also established a process for fee relief for countries that need it.
The next ICEB meeting will be in New Zealand in the first or third weekend of May 2014. It is being arranged to be adjacent to the roundtable discussion to be held in Australia.

35.2 World Braille Council: Pete Osborne

The World Braille Council is now a formal committee in the World Blind Union structure. The membership of the committee will be finalized very soon, but there will be approximately ten members. It is also eligible for support from within WBU.

WBU is working to draw up a policy about observers for their committees.

Areas of focus for the World Braille Council will be around
1) braille heritage, for example, finding sufficient funding to maintain the Louis Braille birthplace, which is currently at great financial risk. Also WBC will be collecting information about important museums.
2) braille codes, like music and chess.
3) promotion within U.N. and associated agencies. Agencies are passing regulations without enough info in them about accessibility and braille.

Judy Dixon is the representative of ICEB on the World Braille Council. The mix of members includes braille authorities, WBU regions, and influential organizations.

37. Board Teleconferences

The next board teleconference will take place August 20, 2013, at 1:00 Eastern.

38. Future BANA meetings:

Spring 2014: ASB
Fall 2014: AER
Spring 2015: CTEBVI
Fall 2015: Horizons
Spring 2016: AFB
Fall 2016: ACB
Spring 2017: CNIB
Fall 2017: CCBVI

39. Unfinished Business

Sandy Greenberg will be retiring at the end of June, so there will likely be a new representative from ATPC at the fall meeting. There will also be a new NBA representative at the next meeting.

41. Around the Table: All BANA representatives (time permitting)

There was not sufficient time for this agenda item.

NLS was highly commended for the excellent arrangements and hospitality.

42. Adjournment: Frances Mary D'Andrea

The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 P.M..

Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Dunnam