BANA Elects New Officers and Accepts New Associate Member at 2024 Fall Meeting

November 2024

For Immediate Release

Contact: Jen Goulden, Chair
Braille Authority of North America

The second 2024 semiannual face-to-face meeting of the Braille Authority of North America (BANA) was held in Colorado Springs, CO, on October 26 through 28. The National Braille Association, a BANA member organization, hosted the meeting immediately following its annual professional development conference.

BANA Chair Jen Goulden presided throughout the meeting. After welcoming observers, she introduced NBA’s Executive Director, David Shaffer, and NBA President, Patrick Janson, both of whom welcomed the Board and observers.

During its three-day meeting, the BANA Board reviewed semiannual reports from its general, technical, and Board committees, each of which works on specific charges from the Board. The Board acted on recommendations from these committees and issued new charges when appropriate.

The Board also elected a new slate of officers for 2025 and considered applications for BANA membership.

The Board is pleased to announce that The Educational and Translation Center of Puerto Rico, Inc. will join BANA as an associate member. Their term will begin January 1, 2025.

BANA elected its officers for the 2025 year. The new slate of leaders consists of:

Chair—Jen Goulden representing CNIB

Vice Chair—Wendy Buckley representing the Perkins School for the Blind

Secretary—Amber Pearcy representing National Braille Press

Treasurer—Danette Johnson representing Hadley

AER (Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired) will host BANA’s spring 2025 meeting on May 6 through 8. The meeting will take place at the Texas School for the Blind in Austin, TX. Additional information will be announced nearer the meeting date.

Interested parties are invited to attend and observe the BANA Board’s face-to-face meetings. If you are interested in being an in-person observer, please contact BANA Chair Jen Goulden at 613-552-4191 or by email at

The mission of the Braille Authority of North America is to assure literacy for tactile readers through the standardization of braille and/or tactile graphics.