BANA Summer Update

August 2024

For Immediate Release

Contact: Jen Goulden, Chair
Braille Authority of North America

UPDATE of BANA Activities, Summer 2024

Following its spring meeting, which was hosted by the American Printing House for the Blind in Louisville, KY, the Braille Authority of North America (BANA) released four new publications authored by BANA committees. These new technical publications include:

Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics, 2022This publication provides transcribers, educators, and producers with information about best practices, current methods, and design principles for the production of readable tactile graphics. In this revision, technical material is transcribed in Unified English Braille (UEB) as well as the Nemeth Code in UEB Contexts. This edition also includes information on best practices currently in use since the initial version was published in 2010. It is posted at BANA Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics, 2022.

The Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics and Science Notation 2022 — This revision modernizes the code and clarifies the application of pre-existing as well as newly adopted rules for transcription of mathematics and science using Nemeth within the UEB code. This document replaces the 1972 edition as well as any updates and provisional guidance previously published by BANA. It is located on BANA’s website at

Chemical Notation Using the Nemeth Braille Code 2023 — The 2023 edition of Chemical Notation Using the Nemeth Code has been aligned with Unified English Braille (UEB) and reflects current developments in chemical notation. Professional chemistry faculty, braille transcribers, and representatives from the Committee on Nomenclature, Terminology, and Symbols of the American Chemical Society have been involved in this effort. It is posted on the Nemeth Code page of BANA’s website at

Graphing Calculator Guidelines (UEB) This publication provides graphing calculator guidelines for transcription into UEB. The UEB revision was completed by a subcommittee of Braille Literacy Canada (BLC). It is posted at this link: BANA's Graphing Calculator Guidelines (UEB).

Guidelines for Transcribing Knit and Crochet Patterns 2024The original, first-of-its-kind publication has been updated and revised to bring it in line with Unified English Braille (UEB). This document was originally authored by the BANA Crafts and Hobbies Technical Committee and approved by the BANA Board. It is provided as an accessible PDF and a BRF. It is posted on the Crafts and Hobbies page at

BANA also issued three updates that impact the application of Braille Formats, 2016. All three are posted on BANA’s Braille Formats page at These updates are:

Errata to Braille Formats, 2016

Updates to Braille Formats, 2016

Changes to Foreign Language Sections of Braille Formats, 2016

Earlier this year, BANA updated the fact sheet titled Guidelines for Brailling Business Cards. It is posted in the section titled BANA Position Statements and Fact Sheets available at

In addition to BANA’s routine, biannual face-to-face meetings, the Board conducts its work through monthly virtual work sessions. Through these monthly meetings, BANA maintains the forward progress of projects underway and addresses matters on which BANA is asked to rule upon or consider.

BANA’s 2024 fall meeting will be hosted by the National Braille Association (NBA), a BANA member organization. The meeting will take place in Colorado Springs, CO, on October 26 through 28 and will follow NBA’s Professional Development Conference being held October 23, 24, and 25. Additional information about BANA’s fall 2024 meeting will be provided in a separate press release and on the BANA website.

Interested parties are invited to observe BANA’s face-to-face meetings. If you are interested in observing the fall 2024 meeting, contact BANA Chair Jen Goulden at 613-552-4191 or by email at Please submit your request no later than October 11, 2024.

The mission of the Braille Authority of North America is to assure literacy for tactile readers through the standardization of braille and/or tactile graphics.

You can follow the work of BANA through Facebook and Twitter.