22.1 Fundamentals
22.2 General Format for Alphabetic References
22.3 Guide Words
22.4 Indexes
22.5 References without Syllabification or Pronunciation
22.6 Glossaries
22.7 Thesauruses
22.8 Dictionaries and Facsimiles
22.9 Samples
22.1.1 This section contains general provisions for alphabetic references, e.g., glossaries, thesauruses, dictionaries, and indexes. Other alphabetic reference materials, e.g., gazetteers, also fall into this category, and the guidelines provided in this section serve as the appropriate format for them.
Bibliographies fall into a separate category and are an exception to the guidelines in this section. See Section 23, Bibliographies.
See Section 21, Pronunciation.
22.1.2 Special Symbols and Transcriber's Notes
22.2.1 These are the common guidelines for formatting alphabetic references. Additional information unique to specific alphabetic references is discussed later in this section.
a. Each alphabetic reference starts on a new braille page.
b. The main entry begins in cell 1. Each subentry level begins two cells to the right of the previous level. All runovers begin two cells to the right of the farthest indented subentry.
One level: 1-3
Two levels: 1-5, 3-5
Three levels: 1-7, 3-7, 5-7
Four levels: 1-9, 3-9, 5-9, 7-9
22.2.2 Font Attributes. Ignore entry word font attributes when all entry words are emphasized. Use italics only for entry words requiring distinction, e.g., book titles, foreign terms, etc.
8,ac;n >*aeology10 #cjb |
22.2.3 Alphabetical Divisions
a. Center alphabetical division letters.
b. The letter indicator is used before alphabetical division letters.
c. Always insert a blank line before, but not after, the first alphabetical division.
d. Do not insert blank lines before or after other alphabetical divisions.
e. Follow print for capitalization.
f. An alphabetical division is followed by at least one line of text at the bottom of the braille page.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀,^ws 6,"k3 ,a3ess ,guide |
g. Insert one blank line when print uses only blank lines to separate alphabetical divisions.
,ext]nal migr,n1 #gjg |
h. Do not insert blank lines if alphabetical divisions are not indicated in print.
,ext]nal migr,n1 #gjg |
22.2.4 Cross-References (See or See also)
a. Follow print for placement.
b. Retain font attributes.
,hi< ,mi4le ,ages1 #bag-db |
22.2.5 Alphabetic Reference Type and Letter Sequence on the Title Page. Include the sequence of alphabetical letters, identifying the range of entries contained in the volume, on the title page for alphabetical reference material that crosses more than one volume. Insert this information after the volume number.
a. Include the type of alphabetic reference, e.g., Index, Thesaurus, etc.
b. Use uncontracted braille for the letter sequences.
c. Do not use the letter indicator.
d. The same letter sequence is placed on the volume binding or spine in both print and braille.
,volume #b ,9dex alt-arte |
22.3.1 Print Page Guide Words
a. Print guide words are omitted unless the text is teaching readers how to use guide words.
b. When discussed in the text the print page guide words are centered at the beginning of each print page.
c. Print page guide words are not preceded or followed by blank lines.
d. Insert a transcriber's note before the excerpt or facsimile to inform the reader when print shows only the first and last entry words on facing pages.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀brl #hh |
e. When there are two guide words in print use a dash -- (36, 36) between them in braille, regardless of what symbol appears between them in print.
1 9f]--9h]it #cca |
22.3.2 Braille Page Guide Words. Add braille page guide words to all alphabetic references except bibliographies. An agency may choose to omit the guide words in certain alphabetic references, such as indexes.
a. Guide words indicate the first and last main entries on the braille page.
b. Guide words are not generated for subentries.
c. Guide words are centered on the last line of every braille page.
d. There are at least three blank cells before the first guide word.
e. There are at least three blank cells between the last guide word and braille page number.
f. There are at least three blank cells after the second guide word when there is no braille page number on interpoint even pages.
g. Guide words do not include punctuation attached to the end of the entry word.
h. The guide words are always connected with a dash -- (36, 36).
i. Use the compound hyphen 33 (25, 25) for a hyphen in contact with the dash.
25 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀aborig9al--33agogy #-- |
j. Guide words are shortened when entry words are too long to fit. Do not add a period. Include enough letters from each entry word to make it intelligible.
25 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀acetylsal--acquir$ immune def⠀⠀⠀#-- |
k. "Com" is not contracted when it is in contact with the dash.
25 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀-mon--complex #-- |
l. Use the last guide word from the previous page(s) followed by (cont.) when there are no new main entry words on a braille page.
25 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀keep 73t47 #--- |
22.4.1 Indexes may be found on the last pages of a text or printed on the inside cover.
22.4.2 Indexes printed in two or more columns are transcribed in one column.
22.4.3 Font Attributes. Omit font attributes when a letter such as m for map, or p for photograph is emphasized as part of a page number in the index.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀,9dex⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#icb |
22.4.4 An index entry consists of the word or phrase with all its page references and subentries.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀;,a |
Change subentries in paragraph form to a nested list. Entries are in 1-5, subentries are in 3-5.
,air,ways1 #gj |
22.5.1 Entry Words
a. A main-entry-word segment includes the word or phrase.
b. The definition segment includes the part-of-speech label, definition, descriptions, examples, etc.
c. One blank cell separates the main-entry-word segment from the definition segment when it is followed by punctuation, capitalization, or enclosure symbols.
a4ic;n3⠀-pulsive drug crav+ & use1 |
alpha⠀waves⠀,! relatively sl[ bra9 waves |
antique⠀7n47 relic1 >tifact1 heirloom1 |
d. Two blank cells separate the main entry word segment from the definition segment when it is not followed by punctuation, capitalization, or enclosure symbols.
acronym⠀⠀a ^w =m$ 0us+ ! 9itial lrs ( |
e. Insert two blank spaces before the start of all definitions or descriptions when the alphabetic reference has a variety of entry styles.
daft⠀⠀crazy1 silly |
22.5.2 Prefixes, suffixes, single letters, and letter combinations (with or without a hyphen) as entry word segments are uncontracted.
dis-⠀⠀prefix =m+ n\ns1 adjectives1 & |
Use the letter indicator with all letter combinations standing for short form words.
;alt⠀⠀prefix m1n+ hi< 7altitude7 |
22.5.3 Abbreviations
a. Use the letter indicator for single-letter abbreviations without punctuation.
b. Omit font attributes.
c. Follow print for use of punctuation.
apply⠀⠀;v 6lay or spr1d on4 |
22.5.4 Sample Sentences. Retain font attributes in sample sentences.
apply⠀⠀6lay or spr1d on4 ..,pl1se |
22.6.1 Simple Glossaries. There is no syllabification or pronunciation in a simple glossary. Follow print layout of entries and subentries arranged in paragraphs, lists, or other formats.
See Sample 22-1: Simple Glossary starting on page 22-22.
See Sample 22-2: Multilevel Glossary on page 22-24.
22.6.2 Glossaries with Pronunciation. The basic format of a glossary is the same when it includes pronunciation. The primary difference is that entry words first are contracted, then uncontracted, before the pronunciation. See Section 21, Pronunciation.
See Sample 22-3: Glossary with Diacritics starting on page 22-26.
22.6.3 Variant Spellings. Variant spellings of an entry word, with or without syllable breaks, are uncontracted. Retain font attribute for variant spellings.
!at} theater ,7/th_e353t5r7' 7,brit4 |
22.6.4 English and Foreign Language Glossaries. English and foreign language entry words are frequently separated with a slash or dash, with the foreign language definition following on the same line.
a. English: contracted
b. Foreign language: uncontracted, using the appropriate accented letters and symbols for the language. See Foreign Language Guidelines for Braille Transcription.
c. Foreign language symbols are categorized and listed on the Special Symbols page.
bact]ia_/bacter/as⠀,peque]/simos |
d. Use the contracted English entry words as guide words.
See Sample 22-4: Guide Words for English/Spanish Glossary on page 22-28.
e. English and foreign language glossary words may appear as separate entries on the same page. The English entry is 1-5, and the foreign language entry is 3-5.
See Sample 22-5: Side-by-Side English/Spanish Glossary on page 22-29.
See Sample 22-6: Nested English/Spanish Glossary on page 22-30.
f. English and foreign language glossary word entries may appear on facing pages. Combine the entries into a nested list as above, and use combined print page numbers, e.g., 454-455, a454-455, b454-455, etc.
22.6.5 Glossaries with Samples. Some glossaries and handbooks may include examples of print formats, e.g., lines of poetry, sentence diagrams, other illustrative materials, etc.
a. Omit illustrations when they do not add information to the entry.
b. Diagrams in math and science textbooks are retained.
c. The entry word or entry heading is treated as a cell-5 heading. This format is used for the entire section, even if some entries do not have samples.
d. Guide words are generated from the cell-5 headings.
e. Use the appropriate format for the example, e.g., paragraphs, poetry, etc.
f. A blank line is not inserted between the heading and illustrative material, even though blank lines are required in specific formats, such as poetry.
See Sample 22-7: Glossary with Lines of Poetry on page 22-31.
g. Examples of glossary terms are treated as displayed material when they follow the definition. See Section 9, Displayed Material, Attributions, and Source Information.
See Sample 22-8: Glossary with Displayed Text starting on page 22-32.
22.7.1 Thesauruses may be a listing of synonyms, antonyms, etc., or a listing of a specialized vocabulary. Generally diacritics are not used.
a. Follow print layout of entries and subentries.
b. Follow print for the spacing of a dash, which typically indicates antonyms. This dash cannot end a braille line.
22.7.2 Single Level Thesaurus. All entries are listed in 1-3.
See Sample 22-9: Single-Level Thesaurus on page 22-34.
22.7.3 Multilevel Thesaurus. Print doesn't always use indention to indicate subentries. In this case, the entries are often bold, and subentries are another font attribute, such as italics.
a. Use a nested list format, with all main entries in 1-5, and all subentries in 3-5.
b. Omit font attributes for entry words at the main and subentry levels.
See Sample 22-10: Multilevel Thesaurus on page 22-35.
22.8.1 Dictionaries include a number of features not found in other alphabetic references.
22.8.2 Special Print Markers. Follow print for the placement and spacing of print markers. The symbols are listed on the Special Symbols page, or in a transcriber's note before the text.
< ;8 (56, 236) Left angle bracket
> 02 (356, 23) Right angle bracket
: .3 Lightface symbolic colon
: _.3 Boldface symbolic colon
~ .-- Lightface swung dash
~ _.-- Boldface swung dash
b\lev>d bou-le-vard 7/b8ool35*v2ard7⠀n4 |
a. Boldface or Symbolic Colon. Some dictionaries use the symbolic colon, i.e., a boldface or regular colon often printed with a space preceding and following it, to introduce a definition, or to separate two or more definitions.
: .3 Lightface symbolic colon
: _.3 Boldface symbolic colon
uncage⠀⠀''' .transitive .v]b .3 6rel1se |
b. Dashes and Swung Dashes. Many dictionaries use the dash and/or the swung dash ~ to replace or stand for the main entry word at certain points in the entries. Follow print for emphasis, number, and spacing of dashes.
~ .-- Lightface swung dash
~ _.-- Boldface swung dash
/ay ''' |
c. When a swung dash is followed by an unspaced letter or letters:
(1) Follow print and use uncontracted braille.
(2) Do not use the letter indicator.
/ay ''' |
22.8.3 Terminology
a. Entry. The word or phrase plus all its accompanying information. The entry includes pronunciation information; derivations; parts of speech; definitions; subentries, antonyms, synonyms; sample sentences; and illustrations.
b. Entry-Word Segment. A main entry-word segment includes the word or phrase, the respelling, and the pronunciation.
c. Definition Segment. The definition segment includes the part of speech label, definition, descriptions, examples, etc.
d. Subentry. A subentry is an entry that is subservient to the main entry. It may be a definition, another part of speech, another form of spelling, or a cross-reference.
e. Sub-subentry. A sub-subentry is subservient to the subentry.
22.8.4 Single-Level Dictionary Entries
active duty--,full-"t duty 9 ! active |
22.8.5 Multilevel Dictionary Entries. All of the following are treated as subentries, no matter how they appear in print:
a. Parts of speech; each part of speech is treated as a subentry when an entry includes more than one part-of-speech label.
b. Each numbered or lettered definition.
c. Run-in derived entries, e.g., —flat-ly adv. —flat-ness n.
d. Synonyms or antonyms.
e. See also references when they apply to the entire main entry.
improve im-prove 7im/pr_8oov7⠀v4 |
f. Second-definition levels are treated as sub-subentries.
g. Words of foreign derivation are contracted.
See Sample 22-11: Full Dictionary Entry on page 22-36.
See Sample 22-12: Dictionary with Sub- and Sub-subentries on page 22-37.
22.8.6 Entry Words with Superscript Numbers
@ (4) Superscript number shown before an entry word
^ (45) Superscript number shown after an entry word
a. Regardless of print placement and spacing, the superscript number is shown after the entry word in braille, and always preceded by a blank space.
b. Insert the superscript number with the contracted first writing for numbered homographs.
c. The superscript symbol is listed on the Special Symbols page, or in a transcriber's note before the text.
d. Insert a transcriber's note when the superscript numbers appear before the entry words in print. Sample:
Superscript numbers appear before the entry word in print. They are inserted after the entry word in braille. The superscript symbol is @ (4).
live @#a (l~iv)⠀v4 9tr4 ,6be alive2 |
live ^#a (l~iv)⠀v4 9tr4 ,6be alive2 |
22.8.7 Marginal Labels. See Section 16, Notes, §16.9, Keying Technique for Marginal Labels when dictionary excerpts/facsimiles have marginal labels.
Sample 22-1: Simple Glossary, page 22-22
Sample 22-2: Multilevel Glossary, page 22-24
Sample 22-3: Glossary with Diacritics, page 22-26
Sample 22-4: Guide Words for English/Spanish Glossary, page 22-28
Sample 22-5: Side-by-Side English/Spanish Glossary, page 22-29
Sample 22-6: Nested English/Spanish Glossary, page 22-30
Sample 22-7: Glossary with Lines of Poetry, page 22-31
Sample 22-8: Glossary with Displayed Text, page 22-32
Sample 22-9: Single-Level Thesaurus, page 22-34
Sample 22-10: Multilevel Thesaurus, page 22-35
Sample 22-11: Full Dictionary Entry, page 22-36
Sample 22-12: Dictionary with Sub- and Sub-subentries, page 22-37